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  • Y. Zhang, C. Chiarello, A. K. Sum, N. Wu, “Characterization and Application of Surface-Modified Fe3O4 Nanoparticles as Recyclable Dispersants for Gas Hydrate Slurry Transportability,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 63 (51), 22461-22469 (2024). [doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.4c03486]
  • S. Alavi, L. E. Bove, N. J. English, D. Jiang, R. Semino, A. K. Sum, “Editorial: Porous Solids for Energy Applications,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 161, 200401 (2024). In Special Collection: Porous Solids for Energy Applications [doi: 10.1063/5.0245703]
  • A. B. Wiedmann, L. F. M. Franco, A. K. Sum, P. A. Pessôa Filho, “DissociationTemperature of Gas Hydrates through Isenthalpic-Isobaric Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 161, 174505 (2024). [doi: 10.1063/5.0234866]
  • C. Chiarello, A. K. Sum, K. Mateen, A. Fidel-Dufour, T. Palermo, “Redefining the Criteria and Testing for Gas Hydrate Slurry Transportability with Anti-Agglomerant in Condensate Systems,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 63 (36), 15975-15989 (2024). [doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.4c02207]
  • G. A. B. Sandoval, C. Chiarello, A. K. Sum, K. Mateen, A. Fidel-Dufour, T. Palermo, “Apparent Viscosity Measurements in the Quantification of Gas Hydrate Slurries Transportability in Multiphase Systems with and without Wax,” Energy & Fuels, 38 (17), 16125-16132 (2024). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.4c02836]
  • S. Cavalli, R. F. Alves, C. L. Bassani, M. A. Marcelino Neto, A. K. Sum, R. E. M. Morales, “Modulation of Slug Flow Characteristics Observed in Three-Phase Solid-Liquid-Gas Flow Measurements,” Chemical Engineering Science, 300, 120596 (2024). [doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2024.120596]
  • C. L. Bassani, M. Engel, A. K. Sum, “Mesomorphology of Clathrate Hydrates from Molecular Ordering,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 160, 190901 (2024). [doi: 10.1063/5.0200516] Editor’s Choice article
  • Y. Lee, A. K. Sum, “Measurements and Predictions of Gas Hydrate Phase Equilibria for CO2-rich Gas Mixtures,” Energy & Fuels, 38 (7), 5949-5958 (2024). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.4c00384]
  • A. Teixeira, L. S. Valim, A. K. Sum, A. G. Barreto Jr., F. W. Tavares, “Gas Hydrates Formation in Water-in-Crude Oil Emulsions: The Role of NaCl in Slurry Stability and Transportability,” Energy & Fuels, 38 (5), 3609-3621 (2024). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.3c04193]
  • S. Ishiai, K. Endo, P. E. Brumby, A. K. Sum, K. Yasuoka, “Novel Approach for Designing Order Parameters of Clathrate Hydrate Structures by Graph Neural Network,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 160, 064504 (2024). [doi: 10.1063/5.0177815]
  • M. Li, Y. Zhao, L. Yang, Y. Su, J. Zhao, A. K. Sum, Y. Song, “Vibrational Modes of Guest in sH Hydrate based on in situ Raman Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory,” Fuel, 363, 130956 (2024). [doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2024.130956]
  • V. G. Morgan, A. K. Sum, N. Wu, A. Dante, A. M. S. Gomes, L. S. Ferreira, F. G. de Souza Jr., R. C. S. B. Allil, M. M. Werneck, “Development of Experimental Device for Inductive Heating of Magnetic Nanoparticles,” Measurement Science and Technology, 35, 045602-11 (2024). [doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/ad1d49]


  • K. Li, B. Chen, M. Yang, Y. Song, A. K. Sum, “Methane Hydrates Phase Equilibrium Considering Dissolved Methane Concentrations and Interfacial Geometries from Molecular Simulations,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 159, 244505 (2023). [doi: 10.1063/5.0174705]
  • A. C. G. A. Rebello, G. A. B. Sandoval, M. F. Naccache, P. R. de Souza Mendes, A. K. Sum, A. Teixeira, L. Valim, “Challenges and Progress on Ethane Hydrates Rheology under High Pressure,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 227, 211766 (2023). [doi: 10.1016/j.geoen.2023.211766]
  • Y. Lee, T. Y. Makogon, A. K. Sum, “Experimental Investigation to Quantify Gas Hydrate Formation During Shutdown in the Wellbore Near the Wellhead: Impact of Thermodynamic Inhibitors,” Energy & Fuels, 37 (8), 5917-5925 (2023). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.3c00615]
  • Y. Chen, S. Takeya, A. K. Sum, “Topological Dual and Extended Relations between Networks of Clathrate Hydrates and Frank-Kasper Phases,” Nature Communications, 14, 596 (2023). [doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36242-4] Editors’ Highlights on “Materials science and chemistry”


  • Y. Lee, T. Y. Makogon, A. K. Sum, “Experimental Investigation to Quantify Gas Hydrate Formation During Shutdown in the Wellbore Near the Wellhead,” Energy & Fuels, 36 (22), 13626-13636 (2022). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.2c02997]
  • W. Choi, J. Mok, J. Lee, Y. Lee, J. Lee, A. K. Sum, Y. Seo, “Effective CH4 Production and Novel CO2 Storage through Depressurization-Assisted Replacement in Natural Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediment,” Applied Energy, 326, 119971 (2022). [doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119971]
  • Y. Chen, S. Takeya, A. K. Sum, “A Clathrate Hydrate Structure Hidden in Plain Sight,” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13, 8673-8676 (2022). [doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c02170]
  • D. Marques, C. L. Bassani, C. Kakitani, M. A. M. Neto, A. K. Sum, R. E. M. Morales, “Mapping Wall Deposition Trends of Gas Hydrates: I. Gas-Water-Hydrate Systems,” Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research, 61 (5), 2333-2345 (2022). [doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.1c04723]
  • C. Kakitani, D. C. Marques, A. Teixeira, L. Valim, M. A. Marcelino Neto, A. K. Sum, R. E. M. Morales, “Experimental Characterization of Hydrate Formation in Non-Emulsifying Systems Upon Shut-in and Restart Conditions,” Fuel, 307, 121690 (2022). [doi: 10.1016/ j.fuel.2021.121690]


  • Y. Lu, L. Yang, Y. Kuang, Y. Song, J. Zhao, A. K. Sum, “Molecular Simulations on the Stability and Dynamics of Bulk Nanobubbles in Aqueous Environments,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23, 27533-27542 (2021). [doi: 10.1039/d1cp03325e]
  • M. Zi, X. Zhang, L. Mahir, K. Mateen, T. Palermo, A. K. Sum, “Wax Deposition Characterization under Flowing Conditions using an Oscillatory Flow Setup,” Energy & Fuels, 35 (22), 18495-18503 (2021). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c02976]
  • G. A. B. Sandoval, M. C. Ozorio, M. F. Naccache, P. R. de Souza Mendes, A. K. Sum, L. Valim, A. Teixeira, “Rheological Study of Cyclopentane Hydrates,” Energy & Fuels, 35 (22), 18467-18477 (2021). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c02726]
  • C. L. Bassani, J.-M. Herri, A. Cameirao, R. E. M. Morales, A. K. Sum, “Defining a Slurry Phase Map for Gas Hydrate Management in Multiphase Flow Systems,” Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research, 60 (38), 14004-14012 (2021). [doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.1c02925]
  • F. Wang, A. K. Sum, B. Liu, “Editorial: Recent Advances in Promoters for Gas Hydrate Formation,” Frontiers in Chemistry, 9, 708269 (2021). [doi: 10.3389/fchem.2021.708269]
  • J.-H. Sa, A. K. Sum, “Universal Correlation for Gas Hydrates Suppression Temperature of Inhibited Systems: IV. Water Activity,” AIChE Journal, 67 (7), e17293 (2021).  [doi: 10.1002/aic.17293] Editor’s Choice article
  • F. de A. Medeiros, I. S. V. Segtovich, F. W. Tavares, A. K. Sum, “Correction to Sixty Years of the van der Waals and Platteeuw Model for Clathrate Hydrates – a Critical Review from its Statistical Thermodynamic Basis to its Extensions and Applications,” Chemical Reviews, 121 (7), 4308 (2021). [doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00103]
  • G. Song, Y. Li, A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Management in Deadlegs: Thermal Conductivity of Hydrate Deposits,” Energy & Fuels, 35 (4), 3112-3118 (2021). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c04141]
  • Y. Chen, C. Chen, A. K. Sum, “Molecular Resolution into the Nucleation and Crystal Growth of Clathrate Hydrates Formed from Methane and Propane Mixtures,” Crystal Growth & Design, 21 (2), 960-973 (2021). [doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.0c01303]
  • J.-H. Sa, A. K. Sum, “Advancing Laboratory Characterization and Qualification of Additives for Hydrate Slurry Flow in Multiphase Systems,” Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research, 60 (1), 719-728 (2021). [doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c04756]
  • A. K. Sum, Jianwen Jiang, “Preface to Fluid Phase Equilibria VSI for Stanley I. Sandler to Celebrate his 80th Birthday,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 532, 112935 (2021). [doi: 10.1016/ j.fluid.2020.112935]


  • F. de A. Medeiros, I. S. V. Segtovich, F. W. Tavares, A. K. Sum, “Sixty Years of the van der Waals and Platteeuw Model for Clathrate Hydrates – a Critical Review from its Statistical Thermodynamic Basis to its Extensions and Applications,” Chemical Reviews, 120 (24), 13349-13381 (2020). [doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.0c00494]
  • G. Song, Y. Li, A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Management in Deadlegs: Effect of Natural Convection on Hydrate Deposition,” Energy & Fuels, 34 (11), 14094-14100 (2020). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c02989]
  • G. Song, Y. Li, A. K. Sum, “Characterization of the Coupling between Gas Hydrate Formation and Multiphase Flow Conditions,” Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 83, 103567 (2020). [doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2020.103567]
  • C. L. Bassani, C. Kakitani, J.-M. Herri, A. K. Sum, R. E. M. Morales, A. Cameirão, “A Multiscale Approach for Gas Hydrates Considering Structure, Agglomeration, and Transportability under Multiphase Flow Conditions: III. Agglomeration Model,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59 (34), 15357-15377 (2020). [doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c02633]
  • T. Hasegawa, P. E. Brumby, K. Yasuoka, A. K. Sum, “Mechanism for H2 Diffusion in sII Hydrates by Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 153, 054706 (2020). [doi: 10.1063/5.0017505]
  • J.-H. Sa, X. Zhang, A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Management in Deadlegs: Effect of Driving Force on Hydrate Deposition,” Fuel, 279, 118481 (2020). [doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118481]
  • X. Zhang, P. Vijayamohan, Y. Hu, A. K. Sum, S. Subramanian, “Gas Hydrates Phase Equilibria for Brine Blends: Measurements and Comparison with Prediction Models,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 521, 112688 (2020). [doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2020.112688] Special Issue celebrating Prof. Stanley Sandler
  • A. Melchuna, X. Zhang, J.-H. Sa, E. Abadie, P. Glénat, A. K. Sum, “Flow Risk Index: A New Metric for Solid Precipitation Assessment in Flow Assurance Management Applied to Gas Hydrate Transportability,” Energy & Fuels, 34 (8), 9371-9378 (2020). Supplementary cover image for journal issue. [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c01203]
  • Y. Chen, C. Chen, A. K. Sum, “Propane and Water: The Cooperativity of Unlikely Molecules to Form Clathrate Structures,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124 (22), 4661-4671 (2020). [doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c02675]
  • J. Zhao, H. Liang, L. Yang, X. Zhang, Y. Song, A. K. Sum, “Growth Kinetics and Gas Diffusion in Formation of Gas Hydrates from Ice,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (24), 12999-13007 (2020). [doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c03009]
  • X. Zhang, A. Melchuna, J.-H. Sa, A. K. Sum, “Gas Hydrates Porosity and Effective Volume under Multiphase Flow Conditions,” Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 79, 103340 (2020). [doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2020.103340]
  • X. Zhang, J.-H. Sa, A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Management in Deadlegs: Effect of Water Vapor Content on Hydrate Deposition,” Fuel, 273, 117714 (2020). [doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117714]
  • J. P. N. Longo, J. R. Galvão, T. Antes, E. N. dos Santos, J. C. C. da Silva, C. Martelli, A. K. Sum, R. E. M. Morales, M. J. da Silva, “Sensing Hydrates in Pipes by a Combined Electrical and Fiber-Optic Sensor,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 20 (9), 5012-5018 (2020). [doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2966086]
  • J.-H. Sa, X. Zhang, X. Li, T. Austvik, K. M. Askvik, A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Management in Deadlegs: Limiting Hydrate Deposition with Physical Restriction,” Fuel, 270, 117506 (2020). [doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117506]
  • J.-H. Sa, X. Zhang, A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Management in Deadlegs: Hydrate Deposition in Pipes with Complex Geometry,” Fuel, 269, 117440 (2020). [doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117440]
  • X. Zhang, B. R. Lee, J.-H. Sa, K. M. Askvik, X. Li, T. Austvik, A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Management in Deadlegs: Effect of Pipe Size on Hydrate Deposition,” Energy & Fuels, 34 (2), 1422-1431 (2020). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b03373]
  • I. A. de Oliveira, A. G. Barreto Jr., F. W. Tavares, A. K. Sum, “Phase Equilibria Data and Thermodynamic Analysis for Liquid-Hydrate-Vapor (LHV) with High Ethanol Concentrations,” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 65 (2), 349-359 (2020). [doi: 10.1021/acs.jced.9b00691]
  • C. L. Bassani, A. K. Sum, J.-M. Herri, R. E. M. Morales, A. Cameirão, “A Multiscale Approach for Gas Hydrates Considering Structure, Agglomeration, and Transportability under Multiphase Flow Conditions: II. Growth Kinetic Model,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59 (5), 2123-2144 (2020). [doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b04245]
  • J. C. Cordeiro Jr., M. A. Marcelino Neto, R. E. M. Morales, A. K. Sum, “Phase Equilibrium of Carbon Dioxide Hydrates Inhibited with MEG and NaCl Above the Upper Quadruple Point,” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 65 (1), 280-286 (2020). [doi: 10.1021/acs.jced.9b01001]
  • X. Zhang, E. O. Straume, G. A. Grasso, R. E. M. Morales, A. K. Sum, “A Bench-Scale Flow Loop Study on Gas Hydrate Deposition under Multiphase Flow Conditions,” Fuel, 262, 116558 (2020). [doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116558]


  • C. Kakitani, D. C. Marques, M. A. Marcelino Neto, A. Teixeira, L. Valim, R. E. M. Morales, A. K. Sum, “Measurements of Hydrate Formation Behavior in Shut-in and Restart Conditions,” Energy & Fuels, 33 (10), 9457-9465 (2019). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b01395]
  • D. E. S. de Menezes, A. K. Sum, A. Desmedt, P. de Alcantara Pessoa Filho, M. D. Robustillo Fuentes, “Coexistence of sI and sII in Methane-Propane Hydrates Former Systems at High Pressures,” Chemical Engineering Science, 208, 115149 (2019). [doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2019.08.007]
  • X. Zhang, J. Gong, X. Yang, B. Slupe, J. Jin, N. Wu, A. K. Sum, “Functionalized Nanoparticles for the Dispersion of Gas Hydrates in Slurry Flow,” ACS Omega, 4 (8), 13496-13508 (2019). [doi: 10.1021/acsomega.9b01806]
  • C. L. Bassani, A. M. Melchuna, A. Cameirão, J.-M. Herri, R. E. M. Morales, A. K. Sum, “A Multiscale Approach for Gas Hydrates Considering Structure, Agglomeration, and Transportability under Multiphase Flow Conditions: I. Phenomenological Model,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58 (31) 14446-14461 (2019). [doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b01841]
  • J.-H. Sa, A. Melchuna, X. Zhang, M. Rivero, P. Glénat, A. K. Sum, “Investigating the Effectiveness of Anti-Agglomerants in Gas Hydrates and Ice Formation,” Fuel, 255, 115841 (2019). [doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.115841]
  • J.-H. Sa, A. K. Sum, “Promoting Gas Hydrate Formation with Ice-Nucleating Additives for Hydrate-Based Applications,” Applied Energy, 251, 113352 (2019). [doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113352]
  • J.-H. Sa, A. Melchuna, X. Zhang, R. E. M. Morales, A. Cameirão, J.-M. Herri, A. K. Sum, “Rock-Flow Cell: An Innovative Benchtop Testing Tool for Flow Assurance Studies,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58, 8544-8552. Supplementary cover image for journal issue. [doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b01029]
  • H. Cho, F. Stanzione, A. Oak, G. H. Kim, S. Yermeni, L. Qi, A. K. Sum, and C. Chan, “Intrinsic Structural Features of the Human Ire1α Transmembrane Domain Sense Membrane Lipid Saturation,” Cell Reports, 27, 307-320 (2019). [doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.03.017]
  • S. D. Seo, S. Y. Hong, A. K. Sum, K.-H. Lee, J. D. Lee, B. R. Lee, “Thermodynamic and Kinetic Analysis of Gas Hydrates for Desalination of Saturated Salinity Water,” Chemical Engineering Journal, 370, 980-987 (2019). [doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2019.03.278]
  • P. E. Brumby, D. Yuhara, T. Hasegawa, D. T. Wu, A. K. Sum, and K. Yasuoka, “Cage Occupancies, Lattice Constants and Guest Chemical Potentials for Structure II Hydrogen Clathrate Hydrate from Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo Simulations,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 150, 134503 (2019). [doi: 10.1063/1.5084785]
  • B. R. Lee, J.-H. Sa, S. Y. Hong, J. D. Lee, K.-H. Lee, Y. Seo, A. K. Sum, “Guest-Guest Interactions and Co-Occupation by Distinct Guests in Metastable State of Clathrate Hydrates,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (6), 3811-3816 (2019). [doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b08629] Cover image for journal issue
  • E. O. Straume, R. E. M. Morales, A. K. Sum, “Perspectives on Gas Hydrates Cold Flow Technology,” Energy & Fuels, 33 (1), 1-15 (2019). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.8b02816]


  • Y. Hu, J.-H. Sa, B. R. Lee, and A. K. Sum, “Universal Correlation for Gas Hydrates Suppression Temperature of Inhibited Systems: III. Salts and Organic Inhibitors,” AIChE Journal, 64 (11), 4097-4109. [doi: 10.1002/aic.16369] Editor’s Choice article
  • P. N. Chaudhari, L. E. Zerpa, and A. K. Sum, “A Correlation to Quantify Hydrate Plugging Risk in Oil and Gas Production Pipelines Based on Hydrate Transportability Parameters,” Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 58, 152-161 (2018). [doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2018.08.008]
  • T. H. Sirino, M. A. M. Neto, D. Bertoldi, R. E. M. Morales, A. K. Sum, “Multiphase Flash Calculations for Gas Hydrates Systems,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 475, 45-63 (2018). [doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2018.07.029]
  • J.-H. Sa, Y. Hu, A. K. Sum, “Assessing Thermodynamic Consistency of Gas Hydrates Phase Equilibrium Data for Inhibited Systems,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 473, 294-299 (2018). [doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2018.06.012]
  • G.-H. Kwak, K.-H. Lee, S. Y. Hong, S. D. Seo, J. D. Lee, B. R. Lee, A. K. Sum, “Phase Behavior and Raman Spectroscopic Analysis for CH4 and CH4/C3H8 Hydrates Formed from NaCl Brine and Monoethylene Glycol Mixtures,” Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 63 (6), 2179-2184 (2018). [doi: 10.1021/acs.jced.8b00155]
  • L. M. M. Rosas, C. L.Bassani, R. F. Alves, F. A. Schneider, M. A. M. Neto, R. E. M. Morales, and A. K. Sum, “Measurements of Horizontal Three-Phase Solid-Liquid-Gas Slug Flow: Influence of Hydrate-Like Particles on the Hydrodynamics,” AIChE Journal, 64 (7), 2864-2880 (2018). [doi: 10.1002/aic.16148]
  • D. Yuhara, P. E. Brumby, D. T. Wu, A. K. Sum, K. Yasuoka, “Analysis of Three-Phase Equilibrium Conditions for Methane Hydrate by Isometric-Isothermal Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, 184501 (2018). [doi: 10.1063/1.5016609]
  • K. Yasuda, R. Ohmura, and A. K. Sum, “Guest-Guest and Guest-Host Interactions in Ethanol, Propan-1-ol, and Propan-2-ol Clathrate Hydrate Forming Systems,” New Journal of Chemistry, 42, 7364-7370 (2018). [doi: 10.1039/c8nj00750k]
  • Y. Hu, B. R. Lee, and A. K. Sum, “Universal Correlation for Gas Hydrates Suppression Temperature of Inhibited Systems: II. Mixed Salts and Structure Type,” AIChE Journal, 64 (6), 2240-2250 (2018). [doi: 10.1002/aic.16116]
  • C. M. M. O. Antunes, C. Kakitani, M. A. M. Neto, R. E. M. Morales, and A. K. Sum, “An Examination of the Prediction of Hydrate Formation Conditions in the Presence of Thermodynamic Inhibitors,” Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35 (1), 265-274 (2018). [doi: 10.1590/0104-6632.20180351s20160489]
  • E. O. Straume, C. Kakitani, L. Salomão Jr., R. E. M. Morales, and A. K. Sum, “Gas Hydrate Sloughing as Observed and Quantified from Multiphase Flow Conditions,” Energy & Fuels, 32 (3), 3399-3405 (2018). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.8b00246]
  • X. Zhang, B. R. Lee, J.-H. Sa, K. J. Kinnari, K. M. Askvik, X. Li, and A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Management in Deadlegs: Effect of Wall Temperature on Hydrate Deposition,” Energy & Fuels, 32 (3), 3254-3262 (2018). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b03962].
  • J.-H. Sa, B. R. Lee, X. Zhang, K. Folgerø, K. Haukalid, J. Kocbach, K. J. Kinnari, X. Li, K. M. Askvik, and A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Management in Deadlegs: Detection of Hydrate Deposition using Permittivity Sensor,” Energy & Fuels, 32 (2), 1693-1702 (2018). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b03963]
  • C. L. Bassani, F. A. A. Barbuto, A. K. Sum, and R. E. M. Morales, “A Three-Phase Solid-Liquid-Gas Slug Flow Mechanistic Model Coupling Hydrate Dispersion Formation with Heat and Mass Transfer,” Chemical Engineering Science, 178, 222-237 (2018). [doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2017.12.034]s
  • Y. Hu, T. Makogon, P. Karanjkar, K.-H. Lee, B. R. Lee, and A. K. Sum, “Gas Hydrates Phase Equilibria for Structure I and II Hydrates with Chloride Salts at High Salt Concentrations and up to 200 MPa,” Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 117, 27-32 (2018). [doi: 10.1016/j.jct.2017.06.007] Special Issue on Gas Hydrates


  • P. H. de Lima Silva, M. F. Naccache, P. R. de Souza Mendes, F. B. Campos, A. Teixeira, and A. K. Sum, “Rheology of THF Hydrate Slurries,” Energy & Fuels, 31 (12), 14385-14392 (2017). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b02425]
  • J.-H. Sa, X. Zhang, B. R. Lee, K. J. Kinnari, K. M. Askvik, X. Li, and A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Management in Deadlegs: Hydrate Deposition Characterization in an 1-inch Vertical Pipe System,” Energy & Fuels, 31 (12),13536-13544 (2017). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b02901]
  • X. Zhang, B. R. Lee, J.-H. Sa, K. J. Kinnari, K. M. Askvik, X. Li, and A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Management in Deadlegs: Effect of Header Temperature on Hydrate Deposition,” Energy & Fuels, 31 (11), 11802-11810 (2017). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b02095]
  • K. J. Kinnari, K. M. Askvik, X. Li, X. Zhang, J.-H. Sa, B. R. Lee, and A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Management of Deadlegs in Oil and Gas Production Systems – Background and Development of Experimental System,” Energy & Fuels, 31 (11), 11783-11792 (2017). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b02051]
  • Y. Hu, B. R. Lee, and A. K. Sum, “Universal Correlation for Gas Hydrates Suppression Temperature of Inhibited Systems: I. Single Salts,” AIChE Journal, 63 (11), 5111-5124 (2017). [doi: 10.1002/aic.15846]
  • A. Z. Guembaroski, M. A. Marcelino Neto, D. Bertoldi, R. E. M. Morales, and A. K. Sum, “Phase Behavior of Carbon Dioxide Hydrates: A Comparison of Inhibition Between Sodium Chloride and Ethanol,” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 62 (10), 3445-3451 (2017). [doi: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00463]
  • Y. Hu, B. R. Lee, and A. K. Sum, “Phase Equilibrium Data of Methane Hydrates in Mixed Brine Solutions,” Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 46, 750-755 (2017). [doi: 10.1016/ j.jngse.2017.08.004]
  • Y. Hu, B. R. Lee, and A. K. Sum, “Insight into Increased Stability of Methane Hydrates at High Pressures from Phase Equilibrium Data and Molecular Structure,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 450, 24-29 (2017). [doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2017.07.003]
  • G.-H. Kwak, K.-H. Lee, B. R. Lee, and A. K. Sum, “Quantification of the Risk for Hydrate Formation During Cool Down in a Dispersed Oil-Water System,” Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 34 (7), 2043-2048 (2017). [doi: 10.1007/s11814-017-0112-3]
  • J. Zhao, B. Wang, and A. K. Sum, “Dynamics of Hydrate Formation and Deposition under Pseudo Multiphase Flow,” AIChE Journal, 63 (9), 4136-4146 (2017). [doi: 10.1002/aic.15722]
  • Y. Hu, T. Makogon, P. Karanjkar, K.-H. Lee, B. R. Lee, and A. K. Sum, “Gas Hydrates Phase Equilibrium with CaBr2 and CaBr2 + MEG at Ultra-High Pressures,” Journal of Natural Gas Engineering, 2 (1), 42-49 (2017). [doi: 10.7569/JNGE.2017.692502]
  • Y. Hu, T. Makogon, P. Karanjkar, K.-H. Lee, B. R. Lee, and A. K. Sum, “Gas Hydrates Phase Equilibria and Formation from High Concentration NaCl Brines up to 200 MPa,” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 62 (6), 1910-1918 (2017). [doi: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00292]
  • M. G. Conte, G. A. Hedge, M. J. da Silva, A. K. Sum, and R. E. M. Morales, “Characterization of Slug Initiation for Horizontal Air-Water Two-Phase Flow,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 87, 80-92 (2017). [doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2017.04.023]
  • Y. Hu, K.-H. Lee, B. R. Lee, and A. K. Sum, “Gas Hydrate Formation from High Concentration KCl Brines at Ultra-High Pressures,” Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 50, 142-146 (2017). [doi: 10.1016/j.jiec.2017.02.007]
  • R. M. Charin and A. K. Sum, “Steady-State and Transient Studies of Gas Hydrates Formation in Non-Emulsifying Oil Systems,” Energy & Fuels, 31 (3), 2548-2556 (2017). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b02868]
  • C. L. Bassani, F. A. A. Barbuto, A. K. Sum, and R. E. M. Morales, “Modeling the Effects of Hydrate Wall Deposition on Slug Flow Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 114, 245-254 (2017). [doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.11.175]


  • E. O. Straume, C. Kakitani, D. Merino-Garcia, R. E. M. Morales, and A. K. Sum, “Experimental Study of the Formation and Deposition of Gas Hydrates in Non-Emulsifying Oil and Condensate Systems,” Chemical Engineering Science, 155, 111-126 (2016). [doi: 10.1016/ j.ces.2016.07.046]
  • P. E. Brumby, D. Yuhara, D. T. Wu, A. K. Sum, and K. Yasuoka, “Cage Occupancy of Methane Hydrates from Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo Simulations,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 413, 242-248 (2016). Special Issue on Gas Hydrates and Semiclathrate Hydrates. [doi: 10.1016/ j.fluid.2015.10.005]
  • D. T. Wilson, B. C. Barnes, D. T. Wu, and A. K. Sum, “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Formationss of Ethane Clathrate Hydrates,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 413, 229-234 (2016). Special Issue on Gas Hydrates and Semiclathrate Hydrates. [doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2015.12.001]
  • P. F. Ferrari, A. Z. Guembaroski, M. A. M. Neto, R. E. M. Morales, and A. K. Sum, “Experimental Measurements and Modelling of Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Phase Equilibriumwith and without Ethanol,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 413, 176-183 (2016). Special Issue on Gas Hydrates and Semiclathrate Hydrates. [doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2015.10.008]
  • M. Cha, Y. Hu, and A. K. Sum, “Methane Hydrate Phase Equilibria for Systems Containisng NaCl, KCl, and NH4Cl,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 413, 2-9 (2016). Special Issue on Gas Hydrates and Semiclathrate Hydrates. [doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2015.08.010]
  • A. K. Sum, R. Ohmura, and T. de Loos, “Preface to Special Issue on Gas Hydrates and Semiclathrate Hydrates,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 413, 1 (2016). Special Issue on Gas Hydrates and Semiclathrate Hydrates. [doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2016.01.046]


  • M. Hu, F. Stanzione, A. K. Sum, R. Faller, and M. Deserno, “Design Principles for Nanoparticles Enveloped by a Polymer-Tethered Lipid Membrane,” ACS Nano, 9 (10), 9942-9954 (2015). [doi: 10.1021/acsnano.5b03439]
  • Z. M. Aman, L. E. Zerpa, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Development of a Tool to Assess Hydrate Plug Formation Risk in Oil-Dominant Pipelines,” SPE Journal, 20 (4), 884-892 (2015). [doi: 10.2118/174083-PA]
  • D. Bai, G. Chen, X. Zhang, A. K. Sum, and W. Wang, “How Properties of Solid Surfaces Modulate the Nucleation of Gas Hydrate,” Scientific Reports, 5, 12747-12 (2015). [doi: 10.1038/srep12747]
  • P. G. Lafond, R. G. Grim, and A. K. Sum, “Clathrate Hydrate Equilibrium Modeling: Do Self-Consistent Cell Models Provide Unique Equilibrium Solutions?,” Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 93 (8), 826-830 (2015). Special Issue Honoring John Ripmeester. [doi: 10.1139/cjc- 2014-0558]
  • T. Uchida, M. Nagayama, K. Yamazaki, K. Gohara, and A. K. Sum, “Raman Spectra Measurements on DEPC Liposome and Cell Membrane of Living Neuron under Xenon Pressure,” Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 93 (8), 831-838 (2015). Special Issue Honoring John Ripmeester. [doi: 10.1139/cjc-2014-0542]
  • M. Hiratsuka, R. Ohmura, A. K. Sum, and K. Yasuoka, “Vibrational Spectra of Deuterated Methane and Water Molecules in Structure I Clathrate Hydrate from ab initio MD Simulation,” Molecular Simulation, 41 (10-12), 813-817 (2015). [doi: 10.1080/08927022.2014.929125]
  • A. Desmedt, L. Martin-Gondre, T. T. Nguyen, C. Pétuya, L. Barandiaran, O. Babot, T. Toupance, R. G. Grim, and A. K. Sum, “Modifying the Flexibility of Water Cages by Co-including Acidic Species within Clathrate Hydrate,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (16), 8904- 8911 (2015). [doi: 10.1021/jp511826b] 
  • M. Hiratsuka, R. Ohmura, A. K. Sum, S. Alavi, K. Yasuoka, “Molecular Dynamics Study of Guest-Host Hydrogen Bonding in Alcohol Clathrate Hydrates,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 12639-12647 (2015). [doi: 10.1039/c4cp05732e] 
  • B. R. Lee and A. K. Sum, “Micromechanical Cohesion Force between Gas Hydrate Particles Measured under High Pressure and Low Temperature Conditions,” Langmuir, 31 (13), 3884- 3888 (2015). [doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b00361]
  • D. Yuhara, B. C. Barnes, D. Suh, B. C. Knott, G. T. Beckham, K. Yasuoka, D. T. Wu, and A. K. Sum, “Nucleation Rate Analysis of Methane Hydrate from Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” Faraday Discussions, 179, 463-474 (2015). Contributions to “Faraday Discussions on Nucleation-Atransitionstatetothedirectedassemblyofmaterials.” [doi:10.1039/c4fd00219a]
  • M. N. Khan, L. J. Rovetto, C. J. Peters, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and C. A. Koh, “Effect of Hydrogen To Methane Concentration Ratio on the Phase Equilibria of Quaternary Hydrate Systems,” Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 60 (2), 418-423 (2015). [doi: 10.1021/je500675q] 
  • Z. T. Ward, R. A. Marriott, A. K. Sum, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, “Equilibrium Data of Gas Hydrates containing Methane, Propane, and Hydrogen Sulfide,” Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 60 (2), 424-428 (2015). [doi: 10.1021/je5007423] 
  • Z. T. Ward, C. E. Deering, R. A. Marriott, A. K. Sum, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, “Phase Equilibrium Data and Model Comparisons for H2S Hydrates,” Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 60 (2), 403-408 (2015). [doi: 10.1021/je500657f] 
  • J. Chen, K.-L. Yan, G.-J. Chen, C.-Y. Sun, B. Liu, N. Ren, D.-J. Shen, M. Niu, Y.-N. Lv, N. Li, and A. K. Sum, “Insights into the Formation Mechanism of Hydrate Plugging in Pipelines,” Chemical Engineering Science, 122, 284-290 (2015). [doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2014.09.039] 


  • B. R. Lee, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Mechanism of Cohesive Forces of Cyclopentane Hydrates with and without Thermodynamic Inhibitors,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (47), 18189-18193 (2014). [doi: 10.1021/ie5032716]
  • B. C. Barnes, B. C. Knott, G. T. Beckham, D. T. Wu, and A. K. Sum, “Reaction Coordinate of Incipient Methane Clathrate Hydrate Nucleation,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118 (46), 13236-13243 (2014). [doi: 10.1021/jp507959q]
  • Z. M. Aman, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and C. A. Koh, “Adhesion Force Interactions between Cyclopentane Hydrate and Physically and Chemically Modified Surfaces,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, 25121-25128 (2014). [doi: 10.1039/c4cp02927e]
  • B. R. Lee, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Development of a High Pressure Micromechanical Force Apparatus,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, 095120-4 (2014). [doi: 10.1063/1.4896661]
  • R. G. Grim, B. C. Barnes, P. G. Lafond, W. Kockelman, D. Keen, A. Soper, M. Hiratsuka, K. Yasuoka, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Observation of Interstitial Molecular Hydrogen in Clathrate Hydrates,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53 (40), 10710-10713 (2014). [doi: 10.1002/anie.201406546]
  • B. R. Lee, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Quantitative Measurement of CH4 Production from Hydrates with the Injection of Liquid CO2,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16 (28), 14922-14927 (2014). [doi: 10.1039/C4CP01780C]
  • R. Wu, Z. M. Aman, E. F. May, K. A. Kozielski, P. G. Hartly, N. Maeda, and A. K. Sum, “The Effect of a Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor PVCap on Cyclopentane Hydrate Cohesion Forces and Growth,” Energy & Fuels, 28 (6), 3632-3637 (2014). [doi: 10.1021/ef500265w]
  • S.-L. Li, C.-Y. Sun, G.-J. Chen, Z.-Y. Li, Q.-L. Ma, L.-Y. Yang, and A. K. Sum, “Measurements of Hydrate Film Fracture under Conditions Simulating the Rise of Hydrated Gas Bubbles in Deep Water,” Chemical Engineering Science, 116, 109-117 (2014). [doi: 10.1016/ j.ces.2014.04.009]
  • B. C. Barnes, G. T. Beckham, D. T. Wu, and A. K. Sum, “Two-Component Order Parameter for Quantifying Clathrate Hydrate Nucleation and Growth,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 140 (16), 164506-6 (2014). [doi: 10.1063/1.4871898]
  • L. Chen, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Methane Hydrate Formation and Dissociation on Suspended Gas Bubbles in Water,” Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 59 (4), 1045-1051 (2014). Invited contribution for special issue honoring Grant Wilson. Image from paper in Cover Page. [doi: 10.1021/je400765a]
  • Y. Matsumoto, R. G. Grim, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Investigating the Thermodynamic Stabilities of Hydrogen and Methane Binary Gas Hydrates,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118 (7), 3783-3788 (2014). [doi: 10.1021/jp411140z]
  • S.-L. Li, C.-Y. Sun, B. liu, Z.-Y. Li, G.-J. Chen, and A. K. Sum, “New Observation and Insight into Morphology and Growth Kinetic Behavior of Hydrate Film,” Scientific Reports, 4, 4129 (2014). [doi: 10.1038/srep04129]


  • Z. A. Aman, W. J. Leith, G. A. Grasso, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and C. A. Koh, “Adhesion Force between Cyclopentane Hydrate and Mineral Surfaces,” Langmuir, 29 (50), 15551-15557 (2013). [doi: 10.1021/la403489q]
  • N. Maeda, Z. M. Aman, K. A. Kozielski, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, “Measurements of Cohesion Hysteresis Between Cyclopentane Hydrates in Liquid Cyclopentane,” Energy & Fuels, 27 (9), 5168-5174 (2013). [doi: 10.1021/ef401184f]
  • J. G. Delgado, A. A. A. Majid, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Model Water-in-Oil Emulsions for Gas Hydrate Studies in Oil Continuous Systems,” Energy & Fuels, 27 (8), 4564-4573 (2013). [doi: 10.1021/ef4004768]
  • L. E. Zerpa, I. Rao, Z. M. Aman, T. J. Danielson, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Multiphase Flow Modeling of Gas Hydrates with a Simple Hydrodynamic Slug Flow Model,” Chemical Engineering Science, 99, 298-304 (2013). [doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2013.06.016]
  • B. C. Barnes and A. K. Sum, “Advances in Molecular Simulations of Clathrate Hydrates,” Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2 (2), 184-190 (2013). Invited review article for the Nanotechnology 2013 special issue. [doi: 10.1016/j.coche.2012.12.002]
  • S. V. Joshi, G. A. Grasso, P. G. Lafond, I. Rao, E. Webb, L. E. Zerpa, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Experimental Flowloop Investigations of Gas Hydrate Formation in High Water Cut Systems,” Chemical Engineering Science, 97, 198-209 (2013). [doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2013.04.019]
  • I. Rao, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, and A. K. Sum, “Gas Hydrate Deposition on a Cold Surface in Water-Saturated Gas Systems,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52 (18), 6262-6269 (2013). [doi: 10.1021/ie400493a]
  • P. G. Lafond, M. W. Gilmer, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, D. T. Wu, and A. K. Sum, “Orifice Jamming of Fluid-Driven Granular Flow,” Physics Review E, 87 (4), 042204-8 (2013). [doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.042204]
  • T. Uchida and A. K. Sum, “Raman Spectroscopic Measurements on DEPC Liposome: Phase Transition Observation under Xe-gas Pressure,” Low Temperature Science, 71, 105-110 (2013). []
  • F. Takeuchi, M. Hiratsuka, R. Ohmura, S. Alavi, A. K. Sum, and K. Yasuoka, “Water Proton Configurations in Structures I, II and H Clathrate Hydrate Unit Cells,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 138 (12), 124504-12 (2013). [doi: 10.1063/1.4795499]
  • Z. M. Aman, K. Olcott, K. Pfeiffer, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and C. A. Koh, “Surfactant Adsorption and Interfacial Tension Investigations on Cyclopentane Hydrate,” Langmuir, 29 (8), 2676-2682 (2013). [doi: 10.1021/la3048714]
  • R. D. Booker and A. K. Sum, “Biophysical Changes Induced by Xenon on Phospholipid Bilayers,” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, 1828 (28), 1347-1356 (2013). [doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2013.01.016]
  • R. J. Muckom, F. Stanzione, R. D. Gandour, and A. K. Sum, “Dendritic Amphiphiles Strongly Affect the Biophysical Properties of DPPC Bilayer Membranes,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117 (6), 1810-1818 (2013). [doi: 10.1021/jp310043a]


  • A. Guariguata, M. A. Pascall, M. W. Gilmer, A. K. Sum, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and D. T. Wu, “Jamming of Particles in a Two-Dimensional Fluid-Driven Flow,” Physics Review E, 86 (6), 061311-10 (2012). [doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.061311]
  • L. E. Zerpa, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Overview of CSMHyK: A Transient Hydrate Formation Model Developed Over a Decade of Hydrate Research,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 98-99, 122-129 (2012). [doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2012.08.017]
  • M. Hiratsuka, R. Ohmura, A. K. Sum, and K. Yasuoka, “Vibrational Modes of Methane in the Structure H Clathrate Hydrate from Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 137 (14), 144306-6 (2012). [doi: 10.1063/1.4757914]
  • L. E. Zerpa, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Hydrate Risk Assessment and Restart Procedure Optimization of an Offshore Well Using a Transient Hydrate Prediction Model,” SPE Oil and Gas Facilities, 1 (5), 49-56 (2012). [doi: 10.2118/160578-PA]
  • S. N. Chakraborty, E. M. Grzelak, B. C. Barnes, D. T. Wu, and A. K. Sum, “Voronoi Tessellation Analysis of Clathrate Hydrates,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (37), 20040-20046 (2012). [doi: 10.1021/jp304612f]
  • R. G. Grim, P. B. Kerkar, M. Shebowich, M. Arias, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Synthesis and Characterization of sI Clathrate Hydrates Containing Hydrogen,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (34), 18557-18563 (2012). [doi: 10.1021/jp307409s]
  • Z. M. Aman, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and C. A. Koh, “Lowering of Clathrate Hydrate Cohesive Forces by Surface Active Carboxylic Acids,” Energy & Fuels, 26 (8), 5102-5108 (2012). [doi: 10.1021/ef300707u]
  • C. A. Koh, A. K. Sum, and E. D. Sloan, “State of the Art: Natural Gas Hydrates as a Natural Resource,” Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 8, 132-138 (2012). [doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2012.01.005]
  • K. Anderson, G. Bhatnagar, D. Crosby, G. Hatton, P. Manfield, A. Kuzmicki, N. Fenwick, J. Pontaza, M. Wicks, S. Socolofsky, C. Brady, S. Svedeman, A. K. Sum, C. Koh, J. Levine, R. P. Warzinski, and F. Shaffe, “Hydrates in the Ocean Beneath, Around, and Above Production Equipment,” Energy & Fuels, 26 (7), 4167-4176 (2012). [doi: 10.1021/ef300261z]
  • A. K. Sum, C. A. Koh, and E. D. Sloan, “Developing a Comprehensive Understanding and Model of Hydrate in Multiphase Flow: From Laboratory Measurements to Field Applications,” Energy & Fuels, 26 (7), 4046-4052 (2012). Invited for Special Issue on Upstream Engineering and Flow Assurance. [doi: 10.1021/ef300191e]
  • E. B. Webb, P. J. Rensing, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and M. W. Liberatore, “High Pressure Rheology of Hydrate Slurries Formed From Water-in-Oil Emulsions,” Energy & Fuels, 26 (6), 3504-3509 (2012). [doi: 10.1021/ef300163y]
  • R. G. Grim, P. B. Kerkar, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Rapid Hydrogen Hydrate Growth From Non-Stoichiometric Tuning Mixtures During Liquid Nitrogen Quenching,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 136 (23), 234504-5 (2012). [doi: 10.1063/1.4729473]
  • Z. A. Aman, S. Joshi, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and C. A. Koh, “Micromechanical Cohesion Force Measurements to Determine Cyclopentane Hydrate Interfacial Properties,” Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 376 (1), 283-288 (2012). [doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2012.03.019]
  • K. Tezuka, T. Taguchi, S. Alavi, A. K. Sum, and R. Ohmura, “Thermodynamic Stability of Structure H Hydrates Based on the Molecular Properties of Large Guest Molecules,” Energies, 5, 459-465 (2012). [doi: 10.3390/en5020459]
  • M. Hiratsuka, R. Ohmura, A. K. Sum, and K. Yasuoka, “Molecular Vibrations of Methane Molecules in the Structure I Clathrate Hydrate from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 136 (4), 044508-6 (2012). [doi: 10.1063/1.3677231]
  • P. G. Lafond, K. A. Olcott, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Measurements of Methane Hydrate Equilibrium in Systems Inhibited with NaCl and Methanol,” Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 48, 1-6 (2012). [doi: 10.1016/j.jct.2011.12.023]
  • J. A. Boxall, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and D. T. Wu, “Droplet Size Scaling in Water-in-Oil Emulsions under Turbulent Flow,” Langmuir, 28 (1), 104-110 (2012). [doi: 10.1021/la202293t]
  • E. B. Webb, P. J. Rensing, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and M. W. Liberatore, “High Pressure Rheometer for In Situ Formation and Characterization of Methane Hydrates,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 015106-6 (2012). [doi: 10.1063/1.3675889]


  • Z. A. Aman, E. P. Brown, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and C. A. Koh, “Interfacial Mechanisms Governing Cyclopentane Clathrate Hydrate Adhesion/Cohesion,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13, 19796-19806 (2011). Invited to special issue on The Physics and Chemistry of Ice and Water. [doi: 10.1039/c1cp21907c]
  • M. R. Walsh, J. D. Rainey, P. G. Lafond, D.-H. Park, G. T. Beckham, M. D. Jones, K.- H. Lee, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, D. T. Wu, and A. K. Sum, “The Cages, Dynamics, and Structuring of Incipient Methane Clathrate Hydrates,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13, 19951-19959 (2011). Invited to special issue on The Physics and Chemistry of Ice and Water. [doi: 10.1039/c1cp21899A]
  • M. R. Walsh, G. T. Beckham, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, D. T. Wu, and A. K. Sum, “Methane Hydrate Nucleation Rates from Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Effects of Aqueous Methane Concentration, Interfacial Curvature, and System Size,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115 (43), 21241-21248 (2011). [doi: 10.1021/jp206483q]
  • R. D. Booker, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, E. Shalaev, and S. K. Singh, “Xenon Hydrate Dissociation Measurements With Model Protein Systems,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115 (34), 10270-10276 (2011). [doi: 10.1021/jp204485w]
  • P. J. Rensing, M. W. Liberatore, A. K. Sum, C. A. Koh, and E. D. Sloan, “Viscosity and Yield Stresses of Ice Slurries Formed in Water-in-Oil Emulsions,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166 (14-15), 859-866 (2011). [doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2011.05.003]
  • J. L. Panter, A. L. Ballard, A. K. Sum, E. D. Sloan, and C. A. Koh, “Hydrate Plug Dissociation via Nitrogen Purge: Experiments and Modeling,” Energy & Fuels, 25 (6), 2572- 2578(2011). [doi: 10.1021/ef200196z]
  • R. Sakamaki, A. K. Sum, T. Narumi, R. Ohmura, and K. Yasuoka, “Thermodynamic Properties of Methane/Water Interface Predicted by Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 134 (14), 144702-7 (2011). [doi: 10.1063/1.3579480]
  • R. Sakamaki, A. K. Sum, T. Narumi, and K. Yasuoka, “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Vapor/Liquid Coexistence Using the Nonpolarizable Water Models,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 134 (12), 124708-8 (2011). [doi: 10.1063/1.3574038]
  • G. J. Moridis, T. S. Collett, M. Pooladi-Darvish, S. Hancock, C. Santamarina, R. Boswell, T. Kneafsey, J. Rutqvist, M. Kowalsky, M. T. Reagan, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and C. A. Koh, “Challenges, Uncertainties and Issues Facing Gas Production from Hydrate Deposits,” SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 14 (1), 76-112. SPE-131792-PA(2011). [doi: 10.2118/131792-PA]
  • A. K. Sum, D. T. Wu, and K. Yasuoka, “Energy Science of Clathrate Hydrates: Simulation-Based Advances,” MRS Bulletin, 36 (3), 205-210, (2011). Invited issue on High-performance computing for materials design to advance energy science. [doi: 10.1557/mrs.2011.33]
  • A. K. Sum, S.-T. Lin, and J. M. Prausnitz, “A Special Tribute to Stan Sandler: The Reach and Impact of a Life-Long Dedication to the Chemical Engineering Profession,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50 (1), 1-2 (2011). Preface to Sandler Festschrift. [doi: 10.1021/ie102204p]
  • L. E. Zerpa, J.-L. Salager, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, “Surface Chemistry and Gas Hydrates in Flow Assurance,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50 (1), 188-197 (2011). Invited: Sandler Festschrift. [doi: 10.1021/ie100873k]


  • E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Gas Hydrate Stability and Sampling: The Future as Related to the Phase Diagram,” Energies, 3 (12), 1991-2000 (2010). Invited. [doi: 10.3390/en3121991]
  • Z. M. Aman, L. E. Dieker, G. Aspenes, A. K. Sum, E. D. Sloan, and C. A. Koh, “influence of Model Oil with Surfactants and Amphiphilic Polymers on Cyclopentane Hydrate Adhesion Forces,” Energy & Fuels, 24 (10), 5441-5445 (2010). [doi: 10.1021/ef100762r]
  • T. Sugahara, J. C. Haag, A. A. Warntjes, P. S. R. Prasad, E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, and A. K. Sum, “Large-Cage Occupancies of Hydrogen in Binary Clathrate Hydrates Dependent on Pressure and Guest Concentration,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (35), 15218- 15222 (2010). [doi: 10.1021/jp105379x]
  • T. Makiya, T. Murakami, S. Takeya, A. K. Sum, S. Alavi, and R. Ohmura, “Synthesis and Characterization of Clathrate Hydrates Containing Carbon Dioxide and Ethanol,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12, 9927-9932 (2010). [doi: 10.1039/c002187c]
  • K. Saito, A. K. Sum, and R. Ohmura, “Correlation of Hydrate-Film Growth Rate at the Guest-Liquid/Water Interface to Mass Transfer Resistance,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49 (15), 7102-7103 (2010). [doi: 10.1021/ie1000696]
  • S. R. Davies, J. A. Boxall, L. E. Dieker, A. K. Sum, C. A. Koh, and E. D. Sloan, “Predicting Hydrate Plug Formation in Oil-Dominated Flowlines,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 72 (3-4), 302-309 (2010). [doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2010.03.031]
  • L. Jensen, K. Thomsen, N. von Solms, S. Wierzchowski, M. R. Walsh, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, D. T. Wu, and A. K. Sum, “Calculation of Liquid Water-Hydrate-Methane Vapor Phase Equilibria from Molecular Simulations,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114 (17), 5775- 5782 (2010). [doi: 10.1021/jp911032q]
  • G. Aspenes, L. E. Dieker, Z. M. Aman, S. Høiland, A. K. Sum, C. A. Koh, and E. D. Sloan, “Adhesion Force between Cyclopentane Hydrates and Solid Surface Materials,” Journal of Colloid and Interfacial Science, 343 (2), 529-536 (2010). [doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2009.11.071]
  • J. A. Boxall, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and D. T. Wu, “Measurement and Calibration of Droplet Size Distributions in Water-in-Oil Emulsions by PVM and FBRM,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49 (3), 1412-1418 (2010). [doi: 10.1021/ie901228e]
  • S. R. Davies, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and C. A. Koh, “In Situ Studies of the Mass Transfer Mechanism across a Methane Hydrate Film using High Resolution Confocal Raman Spectroscopy,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (2), 1173-1180 (2010). [doi: 10.1021/jp909416y]


  • L. E. Dieker, Z. M. Aman, N. C. George, A. K. Sum, E. D. Sloan, and C. A. Koh, “Micromechanical Adhesion Force Measurements between Hydrate Particles in Crude Oils and their Modifications,” Energy & Fuels, 23 (12), 5966-5971 (2009). [doi: 10.1021/ef9006615]
  • E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, A. K. Sum, A. L. Ballard, G. J. Shoup, N. McMullen, J. L. Creek, and T. Palermo, “Hydrates: State-of-the-Art Inside and Outside Flowlines,” Journal of Petroleum Technology, 61 (12), 89-94 (2009). [doi: 10.2118/118534-MS]
  • M. R. Walsh, C. A. Koh, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and D. T. Wu, “Microsecond Simulation of Spontaneous Methane Hydrate Nucleation and Growth,” Science, 326 (5956), 1095-1098 (2009). [doi: 10.1126/science.1174010]
  • T. Sugahara, J. C. Haag, P. S. R. Prasad, A. A. Warntjes, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and C. A. Koh, “Increasing Hydrogen Storage Capacity Using Tetrahydrofuran,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (41), 14616-14617 (2009). [doi: 10.1021/ja905819z]
  • P. S. R. Prasad, T. Sugahara, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and C. A. Koh, “Structural Trans- formations of sVI tert-Butylamine Hydrates to sII Binary Hydrates with Methane,” Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 113 (42), 11311-11315 (2009). [doi: 10.1021/jp906492j]
  • C. A. Koh, A. K. Sum, and E. D. Sloan, “Gas Hydrates: Unlocking the Energy from Icy Cages,” Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (6), 061101 (2009). [doi: 10.1063/1.3216463]
  • T. A. Strobel, K. C. Hester, C. A. Koh, A. K. Sum, and E. D. Sloan, “Properties of the Clathrates of Hydrogen and Developments in Their Applicability for Hydrogen Storage,” Chemical Physics Letters, 478 (4-6), 97-109 (2009). [doi: 10.1016/j.cplett.2009.07.030]
  • A. K. Sum, C. A. Koh, and E. D. Sloan, “Clathrate Hydrates: From Laboratory Science to Engineering Practice,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (16), 7457-7465 (2009). [doi: 10.1021/ie900679m]
  • P. S. R. Prasad, T. Sugahara, A. K. Sum, E. D. Sloan, and C. A. Koh, “Hydrogen Storage in Double Clathrates with tert-Butylamine,” Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 113 (24), 6540- 6543 (2009). [doi: 10.1021/jp9029997]
  • K. Shin, Y. Kim, T. A. Strobel, P. S. R. Prasad, T. Sugahara, H. Lee, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, and C. A. Koh, “Tetra-n-butylammonium Borohydride Semi-Clathrate: A Hybrid Material for Hydrogen Storage,” Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 113 (23), 6415-6418 (2009). [doi: 10.1021/jp902547d]
  • T. W. Sirk, E. F. Brown, M. Friedman, and A. K. Sum, “Molecular Binding of Catechins to Biomembranes: Relationship to Biological Activity,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57 (15), 6720-6728 (2009). [doi: 10.1021/jf900951w]
  • S. Leekumjorn, H. J. Cho, Y. Wu, N. T. Wright, A. K. Sum, and C. Chan, “The Role of Fatty Acid Unsaturation in Minimizing Biophysical Changes on the Structure and Local Effects of Bilayer Membranes,” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, 1788, 1508-1516 (2009). [doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2009.04.002]


  • T. W. Sirk, E. F. Brown, A. K. Sum, and M. Friedman, “A Molecular Dynamics Study on the Biophysical Interactions of Seven Green Tea Catechins with Lipid Bilayers of Cell Membranes,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56 (17), 7750-7758 (2008). [doi: 10.1021/jf8013298]
  • S. Leekumjorn and A. K. Sum, “Molecular Dynamics Study on the Stabilization of Dehydrated Lipid Bilayers with Glucose and Trehalose,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112 (34), 10732-10740 (2008). [doi: 10.1021/jp8025489]
  • S. Leekumjorn, Y. Wu, A. K. Sum, and C. Chan, “Experimental and Computational Studies Investigating Trehalose Protection of HepG2 Cells from Palmitate-Induced Toxicity,” Biophysical Journal, 94 (7), 2869-2883 (2008). [doi: 10.1529/biophysj.107.120717]


  • F. Lin, A. K. Sum, and R. J. Bodnar, “Correlation of Methane Raman ν1 Band Position with Fluid Density and Interactions at the Molecular Level,” Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 38 (11), 1510-1515 (2007). [doi: 10.1002/jrs.1804]
  • S. Leekumjorn and A. K. Sum, “Molecular Characterization of Gel and Liquid-Crystalline Structures of Fully Hydrated POPC and POPE Bilayers,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 111 (21), 6026-6033 (2007). [doi: 10.1021/jp0686339]
  • S. Leekumjorn and A. K. Sum, “Molecular Studies of the Gel to Liquid-Crystalline Phase Transition for Fully Hydrated DPPC and DPPE Bilayers,” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, 1768 (2), 354-365 (2007). [doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2006.11.003]


  • S. Leekumjorn and A. K. Sum, “Molecular Study of the Diffusional Process of DMSO in Double Lipid Bilayers,” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, 1758 (11), 1751- 1758 (2006). [doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2006.06.010]
  • S. Leekumjorn and A. K. Sum, “Molecular Investigation of the Interactions of Trehalose with Lipid Bilayers of DPPC, DPPE, and their Mixture,” Molecular Simulation, 32 (3-4), 219-230 (2006). [doi: 10.1080/08927020600586565]
  • S. Leekumjorn and A. K. Sum, “Molecular Simulation Study of Structural and Dynamic Properties of Mixed DPPC/DPPE Bilayers,” Biophysical Journal, 90 (11), 3951-3965 (2006). [doi: 10.1529/biophysj.105.076596]
  • J. W. Lambert and A. K. Sum, “Modeling the Phase Behavior of Capsaicin in Octanol/Water Systems,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (5), 2351-2357 (2006). [doi: 10.1021/jp0561266]


  • M. Doxastakis, J. J. de Pablo, and A. K. Sum, “Modulating Membrane Properties: The Effect of Trehalose and Cholesterol on a Phospholipid Bilayer,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (50), 24173-24181 (2005). [doi: 10.1021/jp054843u]
  • A. K. Sum, “Molecular Simulation Study of the Influence of Small Molecules on the Dynamic and Structural Properties of Phospholipid Bilayers,” Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2 (11), 1503- 1516 (2005). [doi: 10.1002/cbdv.200590122]


  • B. W. Lee, R. Faller, A. K. Sum, I. Vattulainen, M. Patra, and M. Karttunen, “Structural Effects of Small Molecules on Phospholipid Bilayers Investigated by Molecular Simulations,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 225, 63-68 (2004). [doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2004.07.008]
  • R. Khare, A. K. Sum, S. Nath, and J. J. de Pablo, “New Forcefield Parameters for Thermodynamic Properties, Including Phase Behavior, of Alcohols, Sulfides and Thiols,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108 (28), 10071-10076 (2004). [doi: 10.1021/jp048144d]
  • L. de Pablo, M. L. Chàvez, A. K. Sum, and J. J. de Pablo, “Monte Carlo Molecular Simulation of the Hydration of Na-Montmorillonite at Reservoir Conditions,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 120 (2), 939-946 (2004). [doi: 10.1063/1.1631440]


  • A. K. Sum and J. J. de Pablo, “Molecular Simulation Study on the Influence of Dimethyl-sulfoxide on the Structure of Phospholipid Bilayers,” Biophysical Journal, 85 (6), 3636-3645 (2003). [doi: 10.1016/S0006-3495(03)74781-X]
  • A. K. Sum, R. Faller, and J. J. de Pablo, “Molecular Simulation Study of Phospholipid Bilayers and Insights of the Interactions with Disaccharides,” Biophysical Journal, 85 (5), 2830-2844 (2003). [doi: 10.1016/S0006-3495(03)74706-7]
  • A. K. Sum, M. J. Biddy, J. J. de Pablo, and M. J. Tupy, “A Predictive Molecular Model for the Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Triacylglycerols,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107 (51), 14443-14451 (2003). [doi: 10.1021/jp035906g]
  • P. K. Naicker, A. K. Sum, and S. I. Sandler, “Ab Initio Pair Potential and Phase Equilibria Predictions for Hydrogen Chloride,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 118 (9), 4086-4093 (2003). [doi: 10.1063/1.1540624]


  • A. K. Sum and S. I. Sandler, “Ab Initio Pair Potential and Phase Equilibria Predictions for the Refrigerant Methyl Fluoride,” Molecular Physics, 100 (15), 2433-2447 (2002). [doi: 10.1080/00268970110110833]
  • A. K. Sum, S. I. Sandler, and P. K. Naicker, “Ab Initio Pair Potentials and Phase Equilibria Predictions of Halogenated Compounds,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 199 (1-2), 5-13 (2002). [doi: 10.1016/S0378-3812(01)00795-6]
  • A. K. Sum, S. I. Sandler, R. Bukowski, and K. Szalewicz, “Prediction and Understanding of the Phase Behavior of Acetonitrile and Methanol with Ab Initio Pair Potential: I. Pure Components,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 116 (17), 7627-7636 (2002). [doi: 10.1063/1.1464822]
  • A. K. Sum, S. I. Sandler, R. Bukowski, and K. Szalewicz, “Prediction and Understanding of the Phase Behavior of Acetonitrile and Methanol with Ab Initio Pair Potential: II. Mixtures,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 116 (17), 7637-7644 (2002). [doi: 10.1063/1.1464823]
  • S. I. Sandler, S.-T. Lin, and A. K. Sum, “The Use of Quantum Chemistry to Predict Phase Behavior for Environmental and Process Engineering,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 194, 61-75 (2002). [doi: 10.1016/S0378-3812(01)00643-4]


  • M. Hloucha, A. K. Sum, and S. I. Sandler, “Computer Simulation of Acetonitrile and Methanol with Ab Initio-Based Pair Potentials,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 113 (13), 5401- 5406 (2000). [doi: 10.1063/1.1289888]
  • A. K. Sum and S. I. Sandler, “Ab Initio Calculations of Cooperativity Effects on Clusters of Methanol, Ethanol, 1-Propanol, and Methanethiol,” Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 104 (6), 1121-1129 (2000). [doi: 10.1021/jp993094b]


  • A. K. Sum and S. I. Sandler, “A Novel Approach to Phase Equilibria Predictions Using Ab Initio Methods,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 38 (7), 2849-2855 (1999). [doi: 10.1021/ie9900263]
  • A. K. Sum and S. I. Sandler, “Use of Ab Initio Methods to Make Phase Equilibria Predictions Using Activity Coefficient Models,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 158-160, 375-380 (1999). [doi: 10.1016/S0378-3812(99)00075-8]


  • A. K. Sum, R. C. Burruss, and E. D. Sloan, “Measurements of Clathrate Hydrates via Raman Spectroscopy,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101 (38), 7371-7377 (1997). [doi: 10.1021/jp970768e]


  • J. P. Lederhos, J. P. Long, A. K. Sum, R. L. Christiansen, and E. D. Sloan, “Effective Kinetic Inhibitors for Natural Gas Hydrates,” Chemical Engineering Science, 51 (8), 1221-1229 (1996). [doi: 10.1016/0009-2509(95)00370-3]

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