John P H Steele
John P H Steele
Associate Research Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests
I’ve been at CSM for 30 years, and I am now “semi-retired”, i.e., I’ve handed off all my courses and I’m only doing research these days. My research interests are in the area robotics and intelligent machines.
- BS in Physics, New Mexico State University, 1970
- MS in Mechanical Engineering, University of New Mexico, 1986
- PhD in Robotics, University of New Mexico, 1988
- Mobile Robots
- Making Welding Robots Smart
- Prognostics and Health Management of Machines
Some Publications
- Seth W. Gregg, John P. Steele, Douglas L. Van Bossuyt, A Method for Automated Cavitation Detection with Adaptive Thresholds, International Journal of Prognostics & Health Management, 2018, Vol 9:1, p 18, February 7, 2018
- Seth W. Gregg, John P. Steele, Douglas L. Van Bossuyt, Feature Selection for Monitoring Erosive Cavitation on a Hydroturbine, International Journal of Prognostics & Health Management 2017, Vol 8:003, p 22 March 15, 2017.
- Seth W. Gregg, John P. Steele, Douglas L. Van Bossuyt, Machine Learning: A Tool for Predicting Cavitation Erosion Rates on Turbine Runners, HydroReview, April 2017, pp 28-35.
- Adewole Ayoade and John Steele, “An Investigation of Pulse Shaping for GMAW Control”, Session 15, AWS Professional Program 2016, FABTECH, Nov. 16-18, 2016, Las Vegas, NV
- Adewole A. Ayoade, Marshall R. Sweatt, John P. H. Steele, Qi Han, Khaled Al-Wahedi, Hamad Karki, “Laser-Based Gap Finding Approach to Mobile Robot Navigation”, 2016, IEEE Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Paper ThBT5.2, Banff, AB, Canada, July 14, 2016.
- Andrew Neill and John P H Steele, “Modeling and Simulation of Three Dimensional Weld Pool Reconstruction by Stereo Vision”, 2016, IEEE Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Paper WeCT6.2, Banff, AB, Canada, July 13, 2016.
- Adewole A. Ayoade, Marshall R. Sweatt, John P. H. Steele, Qi Han, Khaled Al-Wahedi, Hamad Karki, William A. Yearsley, “Real-Time Sensor Fusion for Mobile Robot Localization in an Oil and Gas Refinery”, ICMAIR 2016: 18th International Conference on Mechanization, Automation and Industrial Robotics London, United Kingdom on May, 23-24, 2016.
- Andrew Neill and John Steele, “Weld Pool Imaging for Real-Time Process Monitoring” Session 8, AWS Professional Program 2015, FABTECH, Nov. 9-12, 2015, Chicago, IL.
- Xiaoli Zhang and John Steele, “Visual Behavior Study for Welding Skill Evaluation and Training” Session 14, AWS Professional Program 2015, FABTECH, Nov. 9-12, 2015, Chicago, IL.
- Sweatt, Marshall, Adewole Ayoade, Qi Han, John Steele, Khaled Al-Wahedi, and Hamad Karki. “WiFi based communication and localization of an autonomous mobile robot for refinery inspection.” 2015, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp.4490-4495.
- John P H Steele, Qi Han, Hamad Karki, Khaled Al-Wahedi, Adewole A Ayoade, Marshall R Sweatt, Daniel P Albert, W Alex Yearsley, “Development of an Oil and Gas Refinery Inspection Robot”, 2104, IMECE, Nov 2104.
- Carolina Payares-Asprino, John P H Steele, and Lusia F. Espinosa, “Optimum Design Based on Mathematical Model and Neural Network to Predict Reinforcement for Duplex Fillet Joints”, AWS Professional Program 2013, FABTECH, Nov. 18-21, 2013.
- Andrew Neill and John Steele, Characterization of Robotic Gas Metal Arc Welding, AWS Professional Program 2013, FABTECH, Nov. 18-21, 2013.
- B. Geels and J. Steele, “Reliability Model Development and Sensor System Optimization of the Gearbox Reliability Collaboratives 750kW Test Gearbox”, MFPT, Dayton, OH, April 23-26, 2012.
- Moore, K. L., Weiss, M. D., and Steele, J. P., Meehan, C., Hulbert, J., Larson, E., Weinstein, A., “Experiments with Autonomous Mobile Radios for Wireless Tethering in Tunnels”, Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 114 DOI: 10.1177/1548512910393375, Jan 26, 2011.
- James R. Schwendeman, Christopher B. Dreyer, and John P. H. Steele, Design Considerations for Development of a Wire-Based Rock Cutting Mechanism for Space Exploration, J. Mech. Des. 132, 111010 (2010), DOI:10.1115/1.400153.
- Schwab, G., Steele, J.P.H., Vincent, T.L., Vision-Based Spatter Classification for Contaminant Detection, 2009, Welding Journal, 88, June, pp. 121s-130s.
- John P.H. Steele, Chris Mnich, Chris Debrunner, Tyrone Vincent, and Stephen Liu, Development of closed-loop control of robotic welding processes, 2005, Industrial Robot, 32(4):350 355, June 2005.
- T. Ruff and J. Steele, Recent advances in proximity warning technology for surface mining equipment, Mining Engineering: Technical Papers, pp. 68-72, vol. 316, sec. 1, December, 2004.
- M. Whitehorn, T. Vincent, C. Debrunner, and J. Steele, Stereo Vision in LHD Automation IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Industry Applications, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 21-29, Jan./Feb. 2003.
Rm 314G Brown Hall
1610 Illinois Street
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, CO 80401