Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
Department of Electrical Engineering
Ben Fryrear Chair for Innovation and Excellence
Jointly appointed at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
academic interests
Dr. Kathryn (Katie) Johnson conducts research in wind energy control systems and sociotechnical aspects of engineering education. She teaches control systems and wind energy courses at various levels.
- BS Electrical Engineering, Clarkson University, 2000
- MS Electrical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, 2002
- PhD Electrical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, 2004
- Wind energy control systems
- Engineering education research, inlucing
- Wind+: control for hybrid renewable and sustainable systems
- EENG307: Feedback Control Systems (was EGGN407) (Fall 2006, Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Fall 2017, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2022, Fall 2022)
- EENG417: Modern Control Design (Spring 2007, Fall 2010, Fall 2012, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
- EGGN504A/604A: Sensing, Communication, and Control Graduate Seminar (Fall 2006, Fall 2009)
- EENG517: Theory and Design of Advanced Control Systems (was EGGN517) (Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2015, Spring 2018, Spring 2024)
- EGES523: Digital Control Systems (Spring 2006)
- EENG589: Design and Control of Wind Energy Systems (Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2017, Spring 2023)
- Claussen, S. A., Tsai, J. Y., Johnson, K., Blacklock, J., & Leydens, J. A. (2023), “‘Not an Engineer Yet’: Manifestations of Liminal Engineering Identities,” Studies in Engineering Education, 4(2), 95–121. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21061/see.89.
Kaminski, M., J. Simpson, E. Loth, L.J. Fingersh, A. Scholbrock, N. Johnson, K. Johnson, L. Pao, and D.T. Griffith, “Gravo-aeroelastically-scaled demonstrator field tests to represent blade response of a flexible extreme-scale downwind turbine,” Renewable Energy, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2023.119217.
- Wald, D., K. Johnson, J. King, J. Comden, C. Bay, R. Chintala, S. Vijayshankar, D. Vaidhynathan, “Shifting Demand: Reduction in Necessary Storage Capacity Through Tracking of Renewable Energy Generation,” Advances in Applied Energy, Vol. 10, June 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adapen.2023.100131.
- Grant, E., K. Johnson, R. Damiani, L. Pao, and M. Phadnis, “Buoyancy Can Ballast Control for Increased Power Generation of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine with a Light-Weight Semi-submersible Platform,” Applied Energy 30, Part B, Jan. 2023. DOI:10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.120287
- Aziz, M., D. Gayme, K. Johnson, J. Knox-Hayes, P. Li, E. Loth, L. Pao, D. Sadoway, J. Smith, S. Smith, and J. Trancik, “A Co-Design Framework for Wind Energy Integrated with Storage,” Joule: Perspectives, Sep. 2022.
- Kianbakht, S., Johnson, K., Martin, D., Zalkind, D., Pao, L., Loth, E., Simpson, J., Chetan, M., Yao, S., and Griffith, T., “Design Space Exploration and Decision Making for a Segmented Ultra-light Morphing 50-MW Wind Turbine,” Wind Energy, Sep. 2022.
- Wald, D., King, J., Bay, C., Chintala, R., and Johnson. K., “Integration of Distributed Controllers: Power Reference Tracking through Charging Station and Building Coordination,” Applied Energy, Vol. 314, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.118753.
- Stanfel, P., K. Johnson, J. King, and C. Bay, “Proof-Of-Concept of a Reinforcement Learning Framework For Wind Farm Energy Capture Maximization in Time-Varying Wind,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Aug. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0043091.
- Shulong Yao, Mayank Chetan, D. Todd Griffith, Alejandra S. Escalera Mendoza, Michael Selig, Dana Martin, Sepideh Kianbakht, Kathryn Johnson, and Eric Loth, “Aero-Structural Design and Optimization of 50 MW Wind Turbine with over 250-meter Blades,” Wind Engineering, July 2021. https://doi.org/10.1177/0309524X211027355.
- Leydens, J.A., Johnson, K., Moskal, B.M., “Engineering Student Perceptions of Social Justice in the Engineering Sciences,” Journal of Engineering Education, 110(3), 2021, pp. 718-749. https://doi.org/10.1002/jee.20412
- Kaminski, M., E. Loth, D. Zalkind, L. Pao, M. Selig, and K. Johnson, “Servo-Aero-Gravo-Elastic (SAGE) Scaling of a 13-MW Downwind Turbine,” Journal of Renewable And Sustainable Energy, 12, Nov. 2020. (featured on cover)
- Kaminski, M., Carlos Noyes, Eric Loth, Rick Damiani, Scott Hughes, Christopher Bay, Mayank Chetan, Todd Griffith, Kathryn Johnson, and Dana Martin, “Gravo-Aeroelastic Scaling of a 13-MW Downwind Rotor for 20% Scale Blades,” Wind Energy, 24(3), March 2021, pp. 229-245. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/we.2569
- Noyes, C., Loth, E., Martin, D., Johnson, K., Ananda, G., and Selig, M., “Extreme-Scale Load-aligning Rotor: to Hinge or not to Hinge?” Applied Energy, Vol. 257, January 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113985
- Zalkind, D., Ananda, G., Chetan, M., Martin, D., Bay, C., Johnson, K., Loth, E., Griffith, D.T., Selig, M., and Pao, L., “System-level design studies for large rotors,” Wind Energy Science, 2019. https://www.wind-energ-sci.net/4/595/2019/
- Annoni, J., Bay, C., Johnson, K., Dall’Anese, E., Quon, E., Kemper, T., and Fleming, P., “Wind direction estimation using SCADA data with consensus-based optimization,” Wind Energy Science, Volume 4, 2019, pp. 355-368. https://doi.org/10.5194/wes-4-355-2019.
- Pace, A., Johnson, K., and Wright, A., “Preventing Wind Turbine Overspeed in Extreme Wind Events Using DAC and LIDAR,” Wind Energy, Vol. 18, no. 2, 2015, pp. 351-368.
- Fleming, P. Gebraad, S. Lee, J.W. vanWingerden, K. Johnson, M. Churchfield, J. Michalakes, P. Spalart, and P. Moriarty, “Simulation comparison of wake mitigation control strategies for a two-turbine case,” Wind Energy, Vol. 18, no. 12, 2015.
- Fleming, P. Gebraad, S. Lee, J.W. vanWingerden, K. Johnson, M. Churchfield, J. Michalakes, P. Spalart, and P. Moriarty, “Evaluating techniques for redirecting turbine wake using SOWFA,” Renewable Energy, Vol. 70, 2014, pp. 211-218.
- Jeong, Y., Johnson, K., and Fleming, P., “Comparison and testing of power reserve control strategies for grid-connected wind turbines,” Wind Energy, Vol. 17, no. 3, 2014, pp. 343-358.
- Soleimanzadeh, M., Wisniewski, R., and Johnson, K., “A distributed optimization framework for wind farms,” Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics 123, pp. 88-98, 2013.
- Wang, N., Johnson, K., and Wright, A., “Comparison of Strategies for Enhancing Energy Capture and Reducing Loads Using LIDAR and Feedforward Control,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 21, no. 4, July 2013, pp. 1129-1142.
- Soltani, M., Knudsen, T., Svenstrup, M., Wisniewski, R., Brath, P., Ortega, R., and Johnson, K., “Estimation of Rotor Effective Wind Speed: A Comparison,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 21, no. 4, July 2013, pp. 1155-1167.
- Johnson, K. and Fritsch, G., “Assessment of Extremum Seeking Control for Wind Farm Energy Production,” Wind Engineering, Vol. 36, no. 6, 2012, pp. 701-716.
- Wang, N., Johnson, K., and Wright, A., “FX-RLS-based feedforward control for LIDAR-enabled wind turbine load mitigation,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 20, no. 5, 2012, pp. 1212-1222.
- Johnson, K. and Fleming, P., “Development, implementation, and testing of fault detection and condition monitoring on the National Wind Technology Center’s Controls Advanced Research Turbines,” Mechatronics, Vol. 21, no. 4, June 2011, pp. 728-736. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mechatronics.2010.11.010).
- Darrow, P.J., Johnson, K., and Wright, A., “Design of a tower and drive train damping controller for the three-bladed controls advanced research turbine operating in design-driving load cases,” Wind Energy, Vol. 14, no. 4, May 2011, pp. 571-601. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/we.443).
- Pao, L. and Johnson, K., “Control of wind turbines: Approaches, challenges, and recent developments,” IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Vol. 31, no. 2, April 2011, pp. 44-62.
- Johnson, K. and Rex, A.*, 2009, “Methods for controlling a wind turbine system with a continuously variable transmission in region 2,” Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 131, No. 3, pp. 031012-1 – 031012-8, (http://link.aip.org/link/?SLE/131/031012).
- Johnson, K. and Fingersh, L., 2008, “Adaptive pitch control of variable-speed wind turbines,” Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 3, pp. 031012-1 – 031012-7, (http://link.aip.org/link/?SLE/130/031012).
- Johnson, K., Pao, L., Balas, M., and Fingersh, L., 2006, “Control of Variable-Speed Wind Turbines: Standard and adaptive techniques for maximizing energy capture,” IEEE Control Systems Magazine., Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 70-81.
- Johnson, K., Fingersh, L., Balas, M., and Pao, L., 2004, “Methods for Increasing Region 2 Power Capture on a Variable Speed Wind Turbine,” Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 4, pp. 1092-1100.
Tully, Z., G. Starke, K. Johnson, and J. King, “An Investigation of Heuristic Control Strategies for Multi-Electrolyzer Wind-Hydrogen Systems Considering Degradation,” IEEE Conference on Control Technologies and Applications, Bridgetown, Barbados, Aug. 2023.
Loth, E., Ananda, G., Chetan, M., Damiani, R., Griffith, D.T., Johnson, K., Kianbakht, S., Kaminski, M., Pao, L., Phadnis, M., Qin, C., Scholbrock, A., Selig, M., Simpson, J., and Yao, S., “Field Tests of a highly flexible downwind ultralight rotor to mimic a 13-MW turbine rotor,” Proceedings of The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE) Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, June 2022.
Johnson, K., Claussen, S., Leydens, J., Blacklock, J., Moskal, B., Tsai, J., and Plata, N., “How Sociotechnical Thinking Develops in Engineering Undergraduates,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2022.
Johnson, K., “A Case Study on Macroethics and Social Justice at the University of Calgary, Canada,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2022.
D. Stockhouse, M. Phadnis, E. Grant, K. Johnson, R. Damiani, and L. Pao, “Control of a Floating Wind Turbine on a Novel Actuated Platform,” Proc. American Control Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2022.
Grant, E., K. Johnson, R. Damiani, D. Stockhouse, J. Dinius, M. Phadnis, L. Pao, “Combined Low-Bandwidth Platform Actuation and Floating Feedback Control for an Offshore Wind Turbine with an Ultraflexible Substructure,” Proc. American Control Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2022.
Wald, D., K. Johnson, C. Bay, and J. King, “Integration of Distributed Controllers: Improved Power Reference Tracking through Generalized Coordination,” Proc. American Control Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2022.
Dinius, J., R. Damiani, K. Johnson, E. Grant, S. Sirnivas, L. Pao, and M. Phadnis, “Control Actuation Options for the SpiderFLOAT Floating Offshore Wind Substructure,” Proc. AIAA SciTech, San Diego, CA, Jan. 2022.
Blacklock, J., Johnson, K., Cook, R., Plata, N. and Claussen, S., “Faculty Interpretations of Sociotechnical Thinking in their Classrooms: Techniques for Integration,” Proc. ASEE Annual Conference, July 2021 (virtual).
Claussen, S., Tsai, J., Johnson, K., Blacklock, J., and Leydens, J., “Exploring the Nexus Between Students’ Perceptions of Sociotechnical Thinking and Construction of their Engineering Identities,” Proc. ASEE Annual Conference, July 2021 (virtual).
Sanjana Vijayshankar, Paul Stanfel, Jennifer King, Evangelia Spyrou, and Kathryn Johnson, “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Automatic Generation Control of Wind Farms,” Proc. American Control Conference, May 26-28, 2021 (virtual).
Stanfel, P., Johnson, K., Bay, C., and King, J., “A Distributed Reinforcement Learning Yaw Control Approach for Wind Farm Energy Capture Maximization,” Proc. American Control Conference, 2020 (virtual).
Erickson, J., Claussen, S., Leydens, J., Johnson, K., and Tsai, J., “Real-World Examples and Sociotechnical Integration – What’s the Connection?” Proc. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2020 (virtual).
Annoni, J., Bay, C., Fleming, P., and Johnson, K., “Short-Term Forecasting Across a Network for the Autonomous Wind Farm,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA, July 2019.
Bay, C., Annoni, J., Martinez-Tossas, L., Pao, L. and Johnson, K., “Flow Control Leveraging Downwind Rotors for Improved Wind Farm Operation, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA, July 2019.
Johnson, K., Leydens, J., Walter, J., Boll, A., Claussen, S., and Moskal, B. “Sociotechnical habits of mind: initial survey results and their formative impact on sociotechnical teaching and learning,” Proceedings of the 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL, 2019.
Swartz, M., Leydens, J., Walter, J., and Johnson, K., “Is Sociotechnical Thinking Important in Engineering Education?: Survey Perceptions of Male and Female Undergraduates,” Proceedings of the 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL, 2019.
Claussen, S., Tsai, J., Boll, A., Blacklock, J., and Johnson, K., “Pain and Gain: Barriers and Opportunities for Integrating Sociotechnical Thinking into Diverse Engineering Courses,” Proceedings of the 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL, 2019.
Bay, C., Damiani, R., Fingersh, L., Chetan, M., Yao, S., Griffith, T., Ananda, G., Selig, M., Zalkind, D., Pao, L., Martin, D., Johnson, K., Kaminski, M., and Loth, E., “Aspects of design and testing of a scaled demonstrator turbine at the National Wind Technology Center,” Proceedings of 2019 AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, San Diego, CA, January 2019.
Kianbakht, S. and Johnson, K., “Load predicting shutdown controller for a segmented ultralight morphing rotor wind turbine,” Proceedings of 2019 AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, San Diego, CA, January 2019.
Christopher Bay, Jennifer Annoni, Timothy Taylor, Lucy Pao, and Kathryn Johnson, “Active Power Control for Wind Farms Using Distributed Model Predictive Control and Nearest Neighbor Communication,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 2018.
Jennifer Annoni, Christopher Bay, Timothy Taylor, Lucy Pao, Paul Fleming, Kathryn Johnson, “Efficient Optimization of Large Wind Farms for Real-Time Control,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 2018.
Leydens, J., Johnson, K., Claussen, S., Blacklock, J., Moskal, B., and Cordova, O., “Measuring changes over time in sociotechnical thinking: A survey validation model for sociotechnical habits of mind,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 2018.
Jennifer Annoni, Timothy Taylor, Christopher Bay, Kathryn Johnson, Lucy Pao, Paul Fleming, Katherine Dykes, “Sparse Sensor Placement for Wind Farm Control,” Proceedings of The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE) 2018.
Taylor, T. and K. Johnson, “Efficient Stochastic Wake Modeling for Wind Farm Control,” Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.
Zalkind, Dan, Lucy Pao, Dana Martin, and Kathryn Johnson, “Models used for the simulation and control of a segmented ultralight morphing rotor,” Proceedings of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017.
Martin, Dana, Kathryn Johnson, Daniel Zalkind, and Lucy Pao, “LPV-Based Torque Control for an Ultra-Scale Morphing Wind Turbine Rotor,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, 2017.
Fleming, P. M. Churchfield, A. Scholbrock, A. Clifton, S. Schreck, K. Johnson, A. Wright, P. Gebraad, B. Naughton, J. Berg, T. Herges, J. White, T. Mikkelsen, M. Sjöholm, N. Angelou, “Detailed field-test of yaw-based wake steering,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 753, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/753/5/052003
Johnson, K., J. Leydens, B. Moskal, and S. Kianbakht, “Gear switching: From ‘technical vs. social’ to ‘sociotechnical’ in an introductory control systems course,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Boston, MA, 2016.
Wang, N., A. Wright, and K. Johnson, “Independent Blade Pitch Controller Design for a Three-bladed Turbine using Disturbance Accommodating Control,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Boston, MA, 2016.
Scholbrock, A., P. Fleming, D. Schlipf, A. Wright, K. Johnson, and N. Wang, “Lidar enhanced wind turbine control: Past, present, and future,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Boston, MA, 2016.
Johnson, K. J. Leydens, and B., Moskal, “Reflections on the Integration of Social Justice Concepts into an Introductory Control Systems Course (Work in Progress),” Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, 2016.
Johnson, K., Leydens, J. Moskal, B., Fantasky, J., and Silva, D., “Social Justice in Control Systems Engineering,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Seattle, WA, 2015.
Annoni, Jennifer, Peter Seiler, Kathryn Johnson, Paul Fleming, Pieter M.O. Gebraad, “Evaluating Wake Models for Wind Farm Control,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Portland, OR, 2014.
Wang, Na, Kathryn Johnson, Alan Wright, Carlo Carcangiu, “LIDAR-assisted Wind Turbine Feedforward Torque Controller Design Below Rated,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Portland, OR, 2014.
Rezaei, V. and Johnson, K., “Robust fault tolerant pitch control of wind turbines,” Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, Dec. 2013.
Wang, N., Johnson, K., Wright, A., and Carcangiu, C., “LIDAR-assisted Preview Controller Design for a MW-scale Commercial Wind Turbine,” Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, Dec. 2013.
Odgaard, P. and Johnson, K., “Wind turbine fault detection and fault tolerant control – a second challenge,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference (June 2013).
P. Fleming, P. Gebraad, S. Lee, J.W. vanWingerden, K. Johnson, M. Churchfield, J. Michalakes, P. Spalart, and P. Moriarty, “Evaluating techniques for redirecting turbine wake using SOWFA,” Proceedings of ICOWES, Lyngby, June 2013.
P. Fleming, P. Gebraad, S. Lee, J.W. vanWingerden, K. Johnson, M. Churchfield, J. Michalakes, P. Spalart, and P. Moriarty, “High-fidelity simulation comparison of wake mitigation control strategies for a two-turbine case,” Proceedings of ICOWES, Lyngby, June 2013.
Wang, N., A. Wright, K. Johnson, C. Carcangiu, E. Menendez, D. Arora, and A. Fisas, “Advanced control of next generation floating offshore wind turbines for COE improvements,” Proc. AWEA Windpower Conference, May 2013.
Fleming, P., Gebraad, P., van Wingerden, J.W., Lee, S., Churchfield, M., Scholbrock, A., Michalakes, J., Johnson, K., and Moriarty, P., “The SOWFA Super-Controller: A High Fidelity Tool for Evaluating Wind Plant Control Approaches,” Proceedings of the EWEA, Feb. 2013.
Pace, A., Johnson, K., and Wright., A., “LIDAR-based Extreme Event Control to Prevent Wind Turbine Overspeed,” Proceedings of the AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 2013.
Aho, J., A. Buckspan, J. Laks, P. Fleming, Y. Jeong, F. Dunne, M. Churchfield, L. Pao, K. Johnson, “A Tutorial of Wind Turbine Control for Supporting Grid Frequency through Active Power Control,” Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference, June 2012, Montreal, Canada.
Wang, N., Johnson, K., and Wright, A., “Pulsed LIDAR-assisted Controllers for Turbine Power Capture Enhancement and Fatigue Load Mitigation Below Rated,” Proceedings of the AIAA/ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Jan. 2012, Nashville, TN.
El Azzouzi, F.A. and Johnson, K., “Single-sensor-based Fault Detection in Wind Turbines,” Proceedings of the AIAA/ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Jan. 2012, Nashville, TN.
Lucena, J., Delborne, J., Johnson, K., Leydens, J., Munakata-Marr, J., and Schneider, J., 2011, “Integration of climate change in the analysis and design of engineered systems: Barriers and opportunities for engineering education,” Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE 2011), November 11-17, Denver, Colorado USA
Wang, N., Johnson, K., and Wright, A., “LIDAR-based FX-RLS feedforward control for wind turbine load mitigation,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 2011, pp. 1910-1915.
Wang, N. and Johnson, K., “Combined Lidar-based feedforward and feedback controllers for wind turbines with tower and blade damping,” Proceedings of the 2011 AIAA/ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2011.
Pao, L. and Johnson, K., “A tutorial on the dynamics and control of wind turbines and wind farms,” Proceedings of the American Controls Conference, June 2009.
Johnson, K. and Thomas, N., “Wind farm control: addressing the aerodynamic interaction among wind turbines,” Proceedings of the American Controls Conference, June 2009.
Darrow, P.J., Wright, A., and Johnson, K., “Wind turbine control design to reduce capital costs,” Proceedings of the AIAA/ASME Wind Energy Symposium, January 2009.
Rex, A. and Johnson, K., 2008, “Model Development of a Wind Turbine System with a Continuously Variable Transmission for Design of Region 2 Speed Control,” Proceedings of the 2008 AIAA/ASME Wind Energy Symposium, (electronic).
Johnson, K. and Fingersh, L., 2007, “Adaptive pitch control of variable-speed wind turbines,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, electronic (no page numbers).
Johnson, K., Fingersh, L., Pao, L., and Balas, M., 2005, “Adaptive Torque Control of Variable Speed Wind Turbines for Increased Region 2 Energy Capture,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, pp. 66-76.
Johnson, K., Pao, L., Balas, M., Kulkarni, V., and Fingersh, L., 2004, “Stability Analysis of an Adaptive Torque Controller for Variable Speed Wind Turbines,” Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Vol. 4, pp. 4016 – 4021.
Hand, M., Fingersh, L., Johnson, K., and Wright, A., 2004, “Advanced Control Design and Field Testing for Wind Turbines at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory,” Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress VIII, Denver, CO.
Johnson, K., Fingersh, L., Balas, M., and Pao, L., 2004, “Methods for Increasing Region 2 Power Capture on a Variable Speed HAWT,” Proceedings of the 23rd ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Reno, NV, pp. 103-113.
Fingersh, L. and Johnson, K., 2004, “Baseline Results and Future Plans for the NREL Controls Advanced Research Turbine,” Proceedings of the 23rd ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Reno, NV, pp. 87-93.
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