The Lusk Group
Mark T. Lusk
Department of Physics
Research Snapshot
The Lusk group investigates fundamental issues associated with topological quantum optics both with and without gravitational effects. Our focus lies at the nexus of several traditional disciplines: topological quantum electrodynamics, general relativity, geometric quantum mechanics, quantum information science, condensed matter physics, and atomic/molecular/optical physics. We also explore the ontology and applications of Relational Quantum Mechanics. Current research focuses on holonomies of evolving entangled states within the quantum field theory of curved spacetime.
California Institute of Technology, Ph.D. Applied Mechanics, 1992
Colorado State University, M.S. Electrical Engineering, 1988
Navy Nuclear Power School, 1984
U.S. Naval Academy, B.S. Electrical Engineering, 1982
Lusk, M. T., A. A. Voitiv, C. Zhu, and M. E. Siemens, The anatomy of geometric phase for an optical vortex transiting a lens, arXiv:211.07338 (2021)
Zhu, C., M. E. Siemens, and M. T. Lusk, Dynamics of elliptical vortices in a trapped quantum fluid, Physical Review A 104 043306 (2021)
Andersen, J. M., A. A. Voitiv, M. E. Siemens, and M. T. Lusk, Hydrodynamics of noncircular vortices in beams of light and other two-dimensional fluids, Physical Review A, 104 033520 (2021)
Murphy-Armando, F., M. Brehm, P. Steindl, M. T. Lusk, T. Fromherz, K. Schwarz, and P. Blaha, Light emission from direct band gap germanium containing split-interstitial defects,
Physical Review B 103 085310 (2021)
Votoiv, A. A., J. M. Andersen, M. E. Siemens, and M. T. Lusk, Optical vortex braiding with Bessel beam, Optics Letters 45 1321 (2020)
Zang, X., U. Schwingenschlögl, and M. T. Lusk, Identification and resolution of unphysical multielectron excitations in the real-time time-dependent Kohn-Sham formulation, Physical Review Letters 124 026402 (2020)
Shlosberg, A. and M. T. Lusk, Entangled excitons via spontaneous downconversion, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 12946 (2020)
Shlosberg, A., and M. T. Lusk, Exciton interferometry, arXiv:1910.08437 (2019)
LaCount, D. and M. T. Lusk, Quantum cutting using organic molecules, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 7814 (2019)
Lusk, M. T., M. Siemens, and G. F. Quinteiro, Large centroid shifts of vortex beams reflected from multilayers, Journal of Optics 21 015601 (2018)
Zang, X. and M. T. Lusk, Angular momentum transport with twisted exciton wave packets, Physical Review B 96 155104 (2017)
Huang, H. Li, M. T. Lusk and Z. Wu, Intermediate bands in Type-II silicon clathrate with Cu and Ag guest atoms, Physical Review B 95 195208 (2017)
LaCount, D. and M. T. Lusk, Improved energy pooling efficiency through inhibited spontaneous emission, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 8335 (2017)
Zang, X. and M. T. Lusk, Twisted molecular excitons as mediators for changing the angular momentum of light, Physical Review A 96 013819 (2017)
Bagolini, L., A. Mattoni and M. T. Lusk, Confinement of vibrational modes in nanocrystalline silicon, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 145302 (2017)
Weingarten, D. H., M. D. LaCount, J. van de Lagemaat, G. Rumbles, M. T. Lusk and Sean E. Shaheen, Experimental demonstration of photon upconversion via cooperative energy pooling, Nature Communications 8 14808 (2017)
Zang, S. Montangero, L. D. Carr and M. T. Lusk, Engineering and manipulating exciton wave packets, Physical Review B 95 195423 (2017)
Anderson, T., X. Zang, M. J. Dzara, C. Ngo, R. Fernando, M. Sharps, R. Pinals, S. Pylypenko, M. T. Lusk, and A. Sellinger, Direct conversion of hydride to siloxane terminated silicon quantum dots, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 25822 (2016)
Grydlik, M., M. T. Lusk, F. Hackl, A. Polimeni, T. Fromherz, W. Jantsch, F. Shaffler and M. Brehm, Laser level scheme of self-interstitials in epitaxial Ge dots encapsulated in Si, Nano Letters 16 6802 (2016)
LaCount, D. and M. T. Lusk, Electric dipole coupling in optical cavities and its implications for energy transfer, up-conversion, and pooling, Physical Review A 93 063811 (2016)
Theingi, S., T. Y. Guan, C. Kendrick, G. Klafehn, B. P. Gorman, P. C. Taylor, M. T. Lusk, P. Stradins, R. T. Collins, Size dependence of the bandgap of plasma synthesized silicon nanoparticles through direct introduction of sulfur hexafluoride, Applied Physics Letters 107 163111 (2015)
Caddeo, V. Calzia, L. Bagolini, M. T. Lusk, A. Mattoni, Pinpointing the cause of platinum tipping on CdS Nanorods, Journal of Physical Chemistry, C 119 22663 (2015)
Lusk, M. T., C. Stafford, J. D. Zimmerman and L. C. Carr, Control of exciton transport using quantum interference, Physical Review B Rapid Communications 92 241112 (2015)
Zang, X. and M. T. Lusk, Designing small silicon quantum dots with low reorganization energy, Physical Review B 92 035426 (2015)
Zhou, T., H. Li, N. Hu, J. Bell, R. T. Anderson, Y. Yang, B. P. Gorman, M. T. Lusk and A. Sellinger, Bandgap tuning of silicon quantum dots by surface functionalization with conjugated organic groups, Nanoletters 15 3657 (2015)
LaCount, M., D. Weingarten, N. Hu, S. Shaheen, J. van de Lagemaat, G. Rumbles, D. Walba and M. T. Lusk, Energy pooling upconversion in organic molecular systems, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119 4009 (2015)
Li, H., Z. Lin, M.T. Lusk and Z. Wu, Charge separation at nanoscale interfaces: Energy level alignment including two-quasiparticle Interactions, Journal of Chemical Physics 141 154701 (2014)
Fields, J.D., S. McMurray, L.R. Wienkes, J. Trask, C. Anderson, P.L. Miller, B.J. Simonds, J. Kakalios, U. Kortshagen, M.T. Lusk, R.T. Collins, P.C. Taylor, Quantum confinement in mixed phase silicon thin films grown by co-deposition plasma processing, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 129 7-12 (2014)
Li, H., T. Zhou, Z. Wu, A. Sellinger and M. T. Lusk, Tailoring the optical gap of silicon quantum dots without changing their size, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 19275 (2014)
Bagolini, L., Mattoni, A., Collins, R. T. and M. T. Lusk, Carrier localization in nanocrystalline silicon, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 13417 (2014)
Brawand, N. P. and M. T. Lusk, Silicon clathrate quantum dots and the allotropic dependence of quantum confinement, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 27091 (2014)
Li, H., Z. Wu, T. Zhou, A. Sellinger and M. T. Lusk, Double superexchange in quantum dot mesomaterials, Earth and Environmental Science 7 1023 (2014)
M. T. Lusk, R. T. Collins, Z. Nourbakhsh, and H. Akbarzedeh, Quantum confinement of nanocrystals within amorphous matrices, Physical Review B 89 075433 (2014)
Nourbakhsh, Z., M. T. Lusk and H. Akbarzedeh, Nanostructures of amorphous silicon: Localization and energy gaps, Iranian Journal of Physics Research 13 283 (2013)
Li, H., Z. Wu and M. T. Lusk, Dangling Bond Defects: The Critical Roadblock to Efficient Photoconversion in Hybrid Quantum Dot Solar Cells, Journal of Physical Chemistry, C 118 46 (2013)
Martinez, A. D., L. Krishna, L. L. Baranowski, M T. Lusk, E. S. Toberer, and A. C. Tamboli, Synthesis of group iv clathrates for photovoltaics, Photovoltaics, IEEE Journal 3 1305-1310 (2013)
Carr, L. and M. T. Lusk, Strongly correlated transport, Nature 491 641 (2012)
Li, H., M. T. Lusk, R. T. Collins and Z. Wu, Optimal size regime for oxidation-resistant silicon quantum dots, ACS Nano 6 9690-9699 (2012)
Lin, Z., H, Li, A. Franceschetti and M. T. Lusk, Efficient exciton transport between strongly quantum-confined Silicon Quantum Dots, ACS Nano 6 4029 (2012)
Li, H., Z. Wu and M. T. Lusk, First principles snalysis of the initial oxidation of Si(001) and Si(111) surfaces terminated with H and CH3, Journal of Chemical Physics 136 064507 (2012)
Zhang, L., A. Rollett, T. Bartel, D. Wu and M. T. Lusk, A calibrated Monte Carlo approach to quantify the impacts of misorientation and different driving forces on texture development, Acta Materiala 60 1201 (2012)
Liu, B., M. T. Lusk, J. F. Ely, Reactive molecular dynamic simulations on hydrocarbon dissociations on Ni(111) surfaces, Surface Science 606 6115 (2012)
Zhang, L., T. Bartel and M. T. Lusk, A quantitative description of grain boundary kinetics for the cubic lattice Ising model and its application, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 20 015009 (2012)
Liu, B., M.T. Lusk, J.F. Ely, A.C.T. van Duin, W.A. Goddard, Reactive molecular dynamics force field for the dissociation of light hydrocarbons on Ni(111), Industrial Applications of Molecular Simulation, (Ed. M. Meunier) CRC Press (2011)
Lin, Z., A. Franceschetti and M. T. Lusk, Size dependence of the multiple exciton generation rate in CdSe quantum dots, ACS Nano 5 2503 (2011)
Zhang, L. T. Bartel, R. Dingreville, T. Bartel and M. T. Lusk, A stochastic approach to capture crystal plasticity, International Journal of Plasticity 27 1432 (2011)
Lusk, M. T. and A. E. Mattsson, High-performance computing for materials design to advance energy science, MRS Bulletin (2011)
Van der Geest, A. G., Z. Lu, M. T. Lusk and M. L. Dunn, A molecular dynamics and ab initio analysis of the electronic structure of single-wall carbon nanotubes adhered to a substrate, Journal of Applied Physics 109 084316 (2011)
Ostwal, M., R. P. Singh, S. F. Dec, M. T. Lusk and J. D. Way, 3-aminopropyltriethoxsilane functionalization of inorganic membranes for high temperature CO2/N2 separation, Journal of Membrane Science 369 139 (2011)
Lu, N., B. D. Zeidman, M. T. Lusk, C. Willson, D. T. Wu, A Monte Carlo paradigm for capillarity in porous media, Geophysical Research Letters B 37 L23402 (2010)
Appelhans, D. J. , Z. Lin and M. T. Lusk, A two-dimensional carbon semiconductor, Physical Review B 82 073410 (2010)
Appelhans, D. J., L. D. Carr and M. T. Lusk, Embedded ribbons of graphene allotropes: An extended defect perspective, New Journal of Physics 12 125006 (2010)
Zhang, L., R. Dingreville, T. Bartel and M. T. Lusk, Hybrid Monte Carlo simulation of stress-induced texture evolution with inelastic effects, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 42 575 (2010)
Carr, L. D. and M. T. Lusk, Graphene gets designer defects, Nature Nanotechnology 5 316 (2010)
Zhang, L. Timothy Bartel, M. T. Lusk, Independence of grain boundary mobility and driving force for square-lattice Monte Carlo models, Journal of Computational Materials Science 48 790 (2010)
Lusk, M. T., D. T. Wu and L.D. Carr, Graphene nanoengineering and the Inverse-Stone-Thrower-Wales defect, Physical Review B 85 155444 (2010)
Hurst, K.E., A. Van Der Geest, M. T. Lusk, E. Mansfield, and J. H. Lehman,Quartz crystal microbalance for in-situ monitoring of laser cleaning of carbon nanotubes, Carbon 48 2521 (2010)
Zhang, L., T. Bartel, and M. T. Lusk, Parallelized hybrid Monte Carlo simulation of stress-induced texture evolution, Journal of Computational Materials Science 48 419 (2010)
Van der Geest, A. G., K. E. Hurst, N. D. Bronstein, J. H. Lehman and M. T. Lusk,Theoretical and experimental evidence of the role of electromagnetic resonance in the cleaning of nanotubes, Physical Review B 81 115440 (2010)
Liu, B., M. T. Lusk, and J. F. Ely, Influence of nickel catalyst geometry on the dissociation barriers of H2 and CH4: Ni13 versus Ni(111), Journal of Physical Chemistry 113 13715 (2009)
Lusk, M.T. and L.D. Carr, Nanoengineering carbon allotropes from graphene, Carbon 47 2226 (2009)
Liu, B., M. T. Lusk, and J. F. Ely, Hydrogen dissociations on small nickel clusters, Molecular Simulation 35 928 (2009)
Liu, B., M. T. Lusk, and J. F. Ely, Reactive molecular dynamics force field for the dissociation of light hydrocarbons on Ni(111), Molecular Simulation 34 967 (2008)
Lusk, M. T. and L. D. Carr, Nano-engineering defect structures on graphene, Physical Review Letters 100 175503 (2008)
Zhao, Y., M. T. Lusk, A. C. Dillon, M. J. Heben, and S.B. Zhang, Boron-based organometallic nanostructures: hydrogen storage properties and structure stability, Nanoletters 8 157 (2007)
Lusk, M. T. and N. Hamm, Toroidal carbon nanotubes with encapsulated atomic metal loops, Physical Review B 76 125422 (2007)
Lee, S.-J., M. T. Lusk, and Y.-K. Lee, Conversional model of transformation strain to phase fraction in low aloy steels, Acta Materialia 55 875 (2007)
Lusk, M. T., T. Vincent and M. Upmanyu, Steering of a grain boundary with strain, electromagnetic field, and stochastic boundary excitation, Journal of Applied Physics 100 103526:1-9 (2006)
Lusk, M.T., T. Vincent and M. Upmanyu, Control of the position of a material interface via static strain and the amplitude of a stochastic excitation, Journal of Applied Physics, 99 023505 (2006)
Lusk, M. T., M. Fellinger, and P.D. Beale, Grain boundary free energy of hard disk assemblies using thermodynamic integration, Journal of Chemical Physics 124 023505 (2006)
Chen, N., M. T. Lusk, A. C. T. van Duin and W.A. Goddard, III, Mini Might Nature 436 1068 ( 2005) (Research Highlights)
Chen, N., M.T. Lusk, A. C. T. van Duin and W.A. Goddard, III, Mechanical properties of connected carbon nanorings via molecular dynamics simulation, Physical Review B 72 085416 (2005)
Lusk, M. T., M. Upmanyu and T. Vincent, Targeted manipulation of grain boundaries and triple junctions on thin films using lasers: A Potts model simulation, Journal of Applied Physics 99(2) 023505:1-7(2006)
Modak, A. and M. T. Lusk, Double-layer formation in a kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of a solid-oxide fuel cell: I Open-Circuit Voltage and Double layer structure, Solid State Ionics 176 2181-2191 (2005)
Lusk, M. T., Thermodynamic integration at constant pressure from the non-local Einstein crystal, Journal of Chemical Physics 121 11208-11216 (2004)
Lusk, M. T., Construction of and thermodynamic relations for an Einstein crystal with nonlocal interactions, Physical Review B 70 174103:1-5 (2004)
Jaramillo, R.A., M. T. Lusk and M. C. Mataya, Dimensional anisotropy during phase transformations in a chemically banded 5140 steel; part I: experimental investigation, Acta Materialia, 52(4) 851-858 (2004)
Jaramillo, R. A. and M. T. Lusk, Dimensional anisotropy during phase transformations in a chemically banded 5140 steel; part II: modeling, Acta Materialia, 52(4) 859-867 (2004)
Perry, A. C., M. T. Lusk and J. G. Speer, An analytical model and experimental investigation of the recrystallization behavior of hot-deformed ferrite, Steel Grips: Journal of Steel and Related Material, 2(3) 203-208 (2004)
Lusk, M. T. and P. D. Beale, Grain boundary free energy in an assembly of elastic disks, Physical Review E, 69 026117 (2004)
Liu, P. and M. T. Lusk, Parametric links among monte carlo, phase-field, and sharp-interface models of interfacial motion, Physical Review E 66 061603 (2003)
V.C. Prantil, M. L. Callabresi, G.S. Ramaswamy, J. F. Lathrop, G.S. Ramaswamy, M .T. Lusk , Simulating distortion and residual stresses in carburized thin strips, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 125(2) 116-124 (2003)
Lee, Y.-K. and M. T. Lusk, Thermodynamic prediction of the eutectoid transformation temperatures of low-alloy steels, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 30, 2325-2329 (1999)
Gurtin, M.E. and M. T. Lusk, Sharp-interface and phase-field theories of recrystallization in the plane, Physica D 130 133-154 (1999)
Lusk, M.T., A phase-field paradigm for recrystallization and grain growth, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A 455 677 (1998)
Jou, H. and M. T. Lusk, Comparison of JMAK kinetics with a phase-field model for microstructural evolution driven by substructure energy, Physical Review B 55 8114 (1997)
Lusk, M. T. and H. Jou, On the rule of additivity in phase transformation kinetics, Metallurgical and Material Transactions A 28 287 (1997)
Ross, S., M. T. Lusk and W. Lord, Application of a diffusion-to-wave transformation for inverting eddy current nondestructive evaluation data, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 32 535 (1996)
Lusk, M. T., A geometrically nonlinear theory of stress-assisted martensite kinetics, Journal of Elasticity 44 271 (1996)
Lusk, M. T., Krauss G. and H. Jou, A balance principle approach for modeling phase transformation kinetics, Journal de Physique IV, Colloque 8 279 (1995)
Lusk, M. T., Martensitic phase nucleation with surface effects, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 42 241 (1994)
Lusk, M.T, Martensitic phase transitions with surface effects, Journal of Elasticity 34 191 (1994)
You, Z., M. T. Lusk, R. Ludwig, and W. Lord, Numerical simulation of ultrasonic wave propagation in anisotropic and attenuative solid materials, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 38 436 (1991)
Sun, Y., Z. You, L. Udpa, and M .T. Lusk, Determination of current-equivalent parameters for the fictitious magnetic monopole model of magnetostatic problems, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 24 59 (1988)
Conference Proceedings:
Lusk, M. T., W. Wang, X. Sun and Y.-K. Lee, On the role of kinematics in constructing predictive models of austenite decomposition, pp. 311–332, in Austenite Formation and Decomposition, (Eds. E.B. Damm and M.J. Merwin), Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale, PA (2003)
Jaramillo, R. and M. T. Lusk, Anisotropic, plastic deformation during martensitic transformation in chemically banded medium carbon steels, 13th International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Congress (IFHTSE) and the International Surface Engineering Congress (ISEC), October (2002)
Lusk, M. T., R. Jaramillo, A. Roche, C. Mgbokwere, S. Deshpande, Microstructural evolution in sprayformed steel: phase transitions, inelasticity residual stress and distortion, pp. 75–84, in Microstructural Modeling and Prediction During Thermomechanical Processing, (Eds. R. Srinivasan, S. Semiatin, A. Beaudoin, S. Fox, Z. Jin), Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale, PA (2001)
Majka, T. F., D.K. Matlock, G. Krauss, and M. T. Lusk, An analysis of tensile deformation behavior and microstructural evolution in an artificially banded SAE 5140, Proceedings of the ISS 42nd Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference, Vol. XXXVIII, pp. 75-87 (2000)
Lusk, M. T., Y.-K. Lee, H.-J. Jou, W.E. Elliott and G.M. Ludtka, An internal state variable model for the low temperature tempering of low alloy Steels, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Thermal Process Modeling and Computer Simulation, March (2000)
Lusk, M.T. and Y.-K. Lee, A global material model for simulating the transformation kinetics of low alloy steels, Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar of the International IFHT, 273-282 (1999)
Grach, G., M.T. Lusk, H.-J. Jou, G.M. Ludtka, W.E. Elliott, D. Schick, G. Dicastanzo, Affect of austenitization hold time and temperature on matrix carbon content and martensite kinetics in 52100, Proceedings of the American Society of Metals Conference (1999)
Fehringer W.V., J.R. Berger, M.T. Lusk, Interface driving force calculation with boundary elements, Boundary Element Technology ’97, Knoxville, TN, Apr. (1997)
Bammann, D.J. V.C. Prantil, A.A. Kumar, J.F. Lanthrop, D.A. Mosher, M. Lusk, H.J. Jou, G. Krauss, W.H. Elliott, A material model for low carbon steels undergoing phase transformations, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quenching and the Control of Distortion (eds. G. Totten, M. Howes, S. Sjostrom, and K. Funatani) 367-376 (1996)
Lusk, M. T., and S. Ross, On phase based imaging of eddy current data, 21st Annual Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation 14A 863-870 (1995)
Ross, S. and M. Lusk, A comparison of millimeter wave and eddy current detection of surface breaking defects in conducting materials, Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation 14A 629-636 (1995)
Lusk, M. T., K. Radhakrishnan, H. Han and E. Mansueto, Noncontact thickness measurement of dielectric coatings using millimeter waves, Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering 2275 79-88 (1994)
Ghorayeb, S. and M. Lusk, Implementation of the “CLEAN” algorithm on microwave images for nondestructive testing, Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering 2275 94-102 (1994)
Lusk, M.T. and H. Han, Nondestructive evaluation using swept-frequency synthetic aperture radar, Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation 13A 607-614 (1994)
Han, H. C. and M. T. Lusk, Coherent and incoherent components in microwave SAR images, Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation 13A 599-607 (1994)
Han, H.C. and M.T. Lusk, Microwave imaging for features on metallic surface with synthetic aperture radar, Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 3 1922-1924 (1993)
Lusk, M. T. and Z. You, The characterization of surface defects using Rayleigh wave hodographs, Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation 8B 827-834 (1988)
Lusk, M. T., Z. You, W. Lord, and R. Ludwig, An evaluation of attenuation in an axisymmetric finite element code, Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation 8B 1731-1737 (1988)
Lord, W., You, Z., Lusk, M. T., Ludwig, R., Numerical predictions of surface wave phenomena for ultrasonic NDE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, 1065-1068 (1988)
Department of Physics
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