Peer-Reviewed Papers
- Foufoula-Georgiou, E., C. Guilloteau, P. Nguyen, A. Aghakouchak, K. Hsu, A. Busalacchi, F.J. Turk, C. Peters-Liddard, T. Oki, Q. Duan, W. Krajewski, R. Uijlenhoet, A. Barros, P. Kirstetter, W. Logan, Hogue, H. Gupta, V. Levizzani, 2020: Advancing Precipitation Estimation, Prediction, and Impact Studies, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Meeting Summaries (in press)
- Panos, C., Wolfand, and T.S. Hogue, 2020: SWMM Sensitivity to LID Siting and Routing Parameters: Implications for Stormwater Regulatory Compliance, JAWRA,
- Madsen, T., K. J. Franz , S. Hogue, 2020: Evaluation of a distributed streamflow forecast model at multiple watershed scales, Water, 12, 1279; doi:10.3390/w12051279
- Bell, C.D., J.M. Wolfand, L. Panos, A.S. Bhaskar, R.L. Gilliom, T.S. Hogue, K.G. Hopkins, and A.J. Jefferson, 2019: Stormwater control impacts on runoff volume and peak flow: A meta-analysis of watershed modeling studies, Hydrological Processes,
- Boehm, A., C. Bell, N. Fitzgerald, Gallo, C.P. Higgins, T.S. Hogue, R.G. Luthy, A. Portman, B.A. Ulrich, J. Wolfand, 2020: Biochar-augmented biofilters to improve pollutant removal from stormwater – Can they improve receiving water quality? Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology
- Reyes, B., S. Hogue, and R. Maxwell, 2020: Urban irrigation in the modeling of a semi-arid urban environment: Ballona Creek watershed, Los Angeles, California, Journal of Hydrologic Sciences.
- Spahr, K., Bell, J. McCray, and T.S. Hogue, 2020: Greening up stormwater infrastructure: measuring vegetation to establish context and promote co-benefits in a diverse set of US cities, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,
- M. Gallo, C. Bell, K. Mika, M. Gold, and T.S. Hogue, 2020: Stormwater management options and decision-making in the urbanized watersheds of Los Angeles, CA. ASCE Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment,
- Schneider, K., A. Martin and S. Hogue, 2020: Evaluation of an NSF Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Program for STEM Development: Water-Energy Education for the Next Generation (WE2NG), Advances in Engineering Education (in press)
- Blount, W.K., C. Ruybal, K. Franz and T.S. Hogue, 2019: Increased water yield and altered water partitioning follow wildfire in a forested catchment in the western U.S., Ecohydrology,
- Gilliom, R.L., C.D. Bell, T.S. Hogue, J.E. McCray, 2019: A rainwater harvesting accounting tool for water supply availability in Colorado, Water, 11, 2205; doi:10.3390/w11112205
- Shojaeizadeh, A., M. Geza, J. McCray and T.S. Hogue, 2019: Site-scale integrated Decision Support Tool (i-DSTss) for stormwater management, Water, 11, 2022; doi:10.3390/w11102022
- Rust, A.J., J. Randell, A. Todd, and T S. Hogue, 2019: Wildfire Impacts on Water Quality, Insect, and Trout Populations in the Upper Rio Grande, Forest Ecology and Management,
- Rust, A.J., S Saxe, J. McCray, C. C. Rhoades, and T.S. Hogue, 2019: Evaluating the Factors Responsible for Post-Fire Water Quality Response in Forests of the Western USA, International Journal of Wildland Fire,
- Slinski, K., Hogue, T.S. and McCray, J.E., 2019: Active-Passive Surface Water Classification: A New Method for High Resolution Monitoring of Surface Water Dynamics, Geophysical Research Letters,
- Brown, J., Bell, C. Higgins, W. Selbig, and T.S. Hogue, 2019: Modeling Trace Organic Contaminants in Commercial and High-Density Residential Urban Stormwater Runoff, Science of the Total Environment,
- Cherry, L., Mollendor, D., Eisenstein W., Hogue, T.S., Peterman, K., McCray, J.E., 2019: Predicting parcel-scale redevelopment within the Berkeley Neighborhood in Denver Colorado using linear and logistic regression, Sustainability, 11(7),
- Ruybal, C.J., Hogue, T.S., and McCray, J.E., 2019: Assessment of Groundwater Depletion and Implications for Management in the Denver Basin Aquifer System, JAWRA, https:org/10.1111/1752-1688.12755
- Ruybal, C.J., Hogue, T.S., and McCray, J.E., 2019: Evaluation of Groundwater Levels in the Arapahoe Aquifer Using Spatio-Temporal Kriging. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2018WR023437
- Wolfand, J., C. Seller, C. Bell, Y.M. Cho, Oetjen, T.S. Hogue, and R. Luthy, 2019: Occurrence of urban-use pesticides and management with enhanced stormwater control measures at the watershed scale, Environmental Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b05833
- Read, L., T.S. Hogue, R. Edgley, K. Mika and M. Gold, 2019:Historic and future hydrology in the Los Angeles River: Evaluating the impacts of stormwater management on streamflow regimes and water quality, ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001092
- Bell, C.D., Spahr, E. Grubert, J. Stokes-Draut, E. Gallo, J. E. McCray, and T.S. Hogue, 2019: Decision-making on the grey-green stormwater infrastructure continuum, Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, DOI: 10.1061/JSWBAY.0000871. *Editor’s Choice Selection, Feb. 2019
- Reyes, B., Hogue, T.S. and R. Maxwell, 2018: Urban irrigation suppresses land surface temperature and changes the hydrologic regime in semi-arid regions, Water, 10, 1563; doi:10.3390/w10111563
- Pincetl, S., E. Porse, K.B. Mika, E. Litvak, K.F. Manago, T.S. Hogue, Thomas Gillespie, D.E. Pataki, Mark Gold, 2018: Adapting Urban Water Systems to Manage Scarcity in the 21st Century: The Case of Los Angeles, Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1007/s00267-018-1118-2
- Clark, M.P., J. Bahr, M. Bierkens, X. Cal, J. Hall, S. Hogue, C.H. Luce, J.S. Lundquist, D.S. Mackay, I.H.J. Meerveld, H. Rajaram, x. Sanchez-Villa and P.A. Troch, 2018: Appreciation for Water Resources Research Reviewers, Water Resources Research, WRCR23471, 10.1029/2018WR023548
- Manago, K.F, T.S. Hogue, A. Porter, and A.S. Hering, 2018: A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Multiple Imputation of Urban Spatio-Temporal Groundwater Levels, Statistics and Probability Letters, 144(2019)44–51,
- Dolan, F., T. Cath and S. Hogue, 2018: Assessing the Feasibility of Using Produced Water for Agriculture in Colorado, Science of the Total Environment,640-641(2018), 619-628, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.200
- Wolfand, J.M., D. Bell, A.B. Boehm, T.S. Hogue and R. Luthy, 2018: Multiple pathways to bacterial load reduction by stormwater best management practices: tradeoffs in performance, volume and treated area. Environmental Science and Technology, 52 (11), 6370–6379, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b00408
- Panos, C., S. Hogue, R. Gilliom, and J. McCray, 2018: High-resolution Modeling of Infill Development Impact on Urban Stormwater Dynamics in Denver, Colorado, Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 4(4): 04018009,
- Valentin, M., R.J. Viger, A.E. Van Beusekom, L.E. Hay, S. Hogue and N. Leon Foks, 2018: Enhancement of a parsimonious water balance model to simulate surface hydrology in a glacierized watershed. JGR Earth Surfaces, doi:10.1029/2017JF004482
- Porse, E. K. B. Mika, E. Litvak, K.F. Manago, D. E. Pataki, T.S. Hogue, M. Gold, S. Pincetl, 2018: The Economic Value of Local Water Supplies in Los Angeles, Nature Sustainability, doi:10.1038/s41893-018-0068-2
- Rust, A.J., S. Hogue, S. Saxe, and J. McCray, 2018: Post-fire Water Quality Response in the Western United States, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 27(3) 203-216, doi: 10.1071/WF17115
- Valentin, M., S. Hogue, L. E. Hay, 2018: Hydrologic regime changes in a high-latitude glacierized watershed under future climate conditions, Water, 10(2), 128; doi:10.3390/w10020128
- Saxe, S., S. Hogue and L. Hay, 2018: Characterization and evaluation of controls on post-fire streamflow response across western U.S. watersheds, Hydrology and Earth System Science, 22, 1221-1237,
- Clark, M., J. A. Bahr, M. F. P. Bierkens, X. Cai, T.S. Hogue, C. H. Luce, J. D. Lundquist, D. S. Mackay, H.J. van Meerveld, H. Rajaram, X. Sanchez-Vila, and P. A. Troch, 2017: Editorial: A vision for Water Resources Research, Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1002/2017WR021050
- Knipper, K., S. Hogue, K. Franz and R. Scott, 2017: Downscaling AMSR-2 and SMOS Soil Moisture with MODIS Visible and Infrared Products over Southern Arizona, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 11(2) 026021, doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.11.026021
- Litvak, E., K.F. Manago, T.S. Hogue, and D.E. Pataki, 2017: Evapotranspiration of urban landscapes in Los Angeles, California at the municipal scale, Water Resources Research, 53, doi:10.1002/2016WR020254.
- Porse, E., K. B. Mika, E. Litvak, K.F Manago, K. Naik, M. Glickfeld; T. S. Hogue, M. Gold; D. Pataki, S. Pincetl, 2017: Optimization of Local Water Supply in Los Angeles: Urban Water Systems Analysis with Institutional Complexity, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 143(9).
- Walker, E.L., A.M. Anderson, L. Read and T.S. Hogue, 2017: Water Use for Unconventional Energy Development in the South Platte River Basin, Colorado, JAWRA, doi: 10.1111/1752-1688.12539
- Knipper, K., T.S. Hogue, K. Franz and R. Scott, 2017: Evapotranspiration Estimates Derived Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing in a Semiarid Region, Remote Sens. 9(3), 184; doi:10.3390/rs9030184.
- Manago, K.F., and T.S. Hogue, 2017: Urban streamflow response to imported water and water conservation policies in Los Angeles, California, JAWRA, 53 (3), 626–640, doi: 10.1111/1752-1688.12515
- Bowman, A.L., K.J. Franz, T.S. Hogue, 2016: Case studies of a MODIS-Based Potential Evapotranspiration input to the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model, Journal of Hydrometeorology. DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-16-0214.1
- Kinoshita, A.M., A. Chin, G.L. Simon, C. Briles, T.S. Hogue, A.P. O’Dowd, A.K. Gerlak, A.U. Albornoz, 2016: Wildfire, Water, and Society: Toward Integrative Research in the “Anthropocene”, Anthropocene, (16) 16-27. DOI: 10.1016/j.ancene.2016.09.001
- Slinski, K., T.S. Hogue, A.T. Porter, J. E. McCray, 2016: Recent Bark Beetle Impacts have Little Impact on Streamflow in the Western U.S., Environmental Research Letters, 11(2016)074010. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/11/7/074010
- Knipper, K., T.S. Hogue, and A. Kinoshita, 2016: Evaluation of a moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer triangle-based algorithm for evapotranspiration estimates in subalpine regions, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 10(1), 16002, 1-20, DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.10.016002.
- Barik, M., T.S. Hogue, K. J. Franz and A. Kinoshita, 2016: Assessing Spatial Potential Evapotranspiration Estimates for Hydrologic Applications in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52(1): 48-66. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12370
- Vahmani, P., and T.S. Hogue, 2015: Urban Irrigation Effects on WRF-UCM Summertime Forecast Skill over the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 120, DOI: 10.1002/2015JD023239.
- Reyes, B., R.M. Maxwell, and T.S. Hogue, 2015: Impact of lateral flow and spatial scaling on the simulation of semi-arid urban land surfaces in an integrated hydrologic and land surface model, Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10683.
- Pincetl, S. and T.S. Hogue, 2015: California Drought-What Is Different Today? Journal of Extreme Events, Journal of Extreme Events, DOI:10.1142/S2345737615020029.
- Hogue, T.S. and S. Pincetl: 2015: Are you watering your lawn? High-resolution data may help to devise effective water conservation strategies in urban areas around the world, Science, 348(6241), 1319-1320.
- Bowman, A.L., K.J. Franz, T.S. Hogue, and A.M. Kinoshita, 2015: MODIS-based potential evapotranspiration demand curves for the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting model, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 04015055, 1-13, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001261.
- Pincetl, S., and T.S. Hogue, 2015: California’s New Normal? Recurring Drought: Addressing Winners and Losers, Local Environment, The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 20(7), 850-854, DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2015.1042778.
- Kinoshita, A.M., and T.S. Hogue, 2015: Increased Dry Season Water Yield in Burned Watersheds in Southern California, Environmental Research Letters, 10(2015), DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/10/1/014003.
- Mini, C., T.S. Hogue, S. Pincetl, 2015: The effectiveness of water restriction policies on single-family water use in Los Angeles, California, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 94, 136-145.
- Vahmani, P., and T.S. Hogue, 2014: High Resolution Land Surface Modeling Utilizing Remote Sensing Parameters and the Noah-UCM: A Case Study in the Los Angeles Basin, Hydrology and Earth System Science, 18, 4791-4806.
- Micheletty, P.D., A.M. Kinoshita, and T.S. Hogue, 2014: Application of MODSCAG and MODIS snow cover products in post-fire watersheds in the Sierra Nevada, Hydrology and Earth System Science, 18, 4601-4615.
- Spies, R., K. Franz, T.S. Hogue and A. Bowman, 2014: Distributed hydrologic modeling using satellite-derived potential evapotranspiration, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 16, 129-146, DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-14-0047.1.
- Franz, K.J., T.S. Hogue, B. Muhammad and M. He, 2014: Assessment of SWE Data Assimilation for Ensemble Streamflow Predictions, Journal of Hydrology, 519, 2737–2746.
- Mini, C., T.S. Hogue, and S. Pincetl, 2014: Patterns and Controlling Factors of Residential Water Use in Los Angeles, California, Water Policy, 16, 1054-1069.
- Vahmani, P., and T.S. Hogue, 2014: Incorporating an Urban Irrigation Module into a Noah Land Surface Model Coupled with an Urban Canopy Model, Journal of Hydrometeorology, DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-13-0121.1
- Mini, C., T.S. Hogue, S. Pincetl, 2014: Estimation of Residential Outdoor Water Use in Los Angeles, California, Landscape and Urban Planning, 127, 124-135.
- Kinoshita, A.M., T. S. Hogue and C. Napper, 2014: Evaluating Pre- and Post-Fire Peak Discharge Predictions across Western U.S. Watersheds, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 50(6), 1540–1557, DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12226.
- Kinoshita, A.M., T.S. Hogue, J. Barco, and C. Wessel, 2013: Contaminant Flushing from an Urban- Fringe Watershed: Hydrologic and Riparian Soil Dynamics, Environmental Earth Sciences, 72(3), DOI: 10.​1007/​s12665-013-3011-x.
- Kim, J., and T.S. Hogue, 2013: Evaluation of a MODIS triangle-based evapotranspiration algorithm for semi-arid regions, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 7(1), DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.7.073493.
- Burke, M.P., T.S. Hogue, A.M. Kinoshita, J. Barco, C. Wessel, E.D. Stein, 2013: Pre- and post-fire pollutant loads in an urban fringe watershed in Southern California, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185(12), 10131-10145.
- Lopez, S.R., T.S. Hogue, and E.D. Stein, 2013: A framework for evaluating regional hydrologic sensitivity to climate change using archetypal watershed modeling, Hydrology and Earth System Science, 17, 3077-3094.
- Stein, E.D., J. S. Brown, T. S. Hogue, M. P. Burke, and A. Kinoshita, 2012: Regional Patterns of Storm Water Contaminant Loading Following Southern California Wildfires, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31(11): 2625-2638.
- Kim, J., and T.S. Hogue, 2012: Evaluation and sensitivity testing of a coupled Landsat-MODIS downscaling method for land surface temperature and vegetation indices in semi-arid regions, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 6(1), DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.6.063569.
- Barco, J., S. Gunawan and T. S. Hogue, 2012: Seasonal Controls on Stream Chemical Export Across Diverse Coastal Watersheds, Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9294.
- He, M., T.S. Hogue, S. Margulis, and K. Franz, 2012: An Integrated Uncertainty and Ensemble-based Data Assimilation Framework for Operational Snow and Streamflow Predictions, Hydrology and Earth System Science, 16, 815–831.
- Kim, J., and T.S. Hogue, 2012: Improving Spatial Soil Moisture Representation through Integration of AMSR-E and Visible and Near-infrared MODIS Products, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50(2), 446-460.
- He, M., and T.S. Hogue, 2012: Integrating Hydrologic Modeling and Land Use Projections for Evaluation of Hydrologic Response and Regional Water Supply Impacts in Semi-arid Environments, Environmental Earth Sciences, 65, 1671–1685.
- Franz, K.J. and T.S. Hogue, 2011: Evaluating Uncertainty Estimates in Hydrologic models: Borrowing Measures from the Forecast Verification Community, Hydrology and Earth System Science, 15, 3367-3382.
- He, M., T.S. Hogue, K Franz, J. Vrugt and S. Margulis, 2011: Corruption of parameter behavior and regionalization by model and forcing data errors: A Bayesian example using the SNOW17 model, Water Resources Research, 47(7), W07546, 10.1029/2010WR009753
- Kinoshita, A.M, and T.S. Hogue, 2011: Spatial and Temporal Controls on Post-fire Hydrologic Recovery in Southern California Watersheds, Catena, 87, 240-252.
- Pataki, D.E., C.G. Boone, T.S. Hogue, G.D. Jenerette, J.P. McFadden, and S. Pincetl, 2011: Socio- ecohydrology and the urban water challenge in the western U.S., Ecohydrology, 4, 341-347.
- He, M., T.S. Hogue, K.J. Franz, S.A. Margulis and J.A. Vrugt, 2010: Characterizing Parameter Sensitivity and Uncertainty for an Operational Snow Model across Hydroclimatic Regimes, Advances in Water Resources, 34 (1): 114-127
- Barco, J., T.S. Hogue, M. Girotto, D.R. Kendall, and M. Putti, 2010: Climate Signal Propagation in Southern California Aquifers, Water Resources Research, 46, W00F05, DOI:10.1029/2009WR008376.
- Burke, M., T.S. Hogue, B. Navarro, C.B. Mendez, S. Lopez, M. Ferreira and J. Jay, 2010: The Effect of Wildfire on Soil Mercury Concentrations in Southern California Watersheds, Water, Soil and Air Pollution, 212(1-4): 369-385
- Cydzik, K. and T.S. Hogue, 2009: Modeling Post-fire Response and Recovery using the Hydrologic Engineering Center Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS), Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 45(3):702-714.
- Jung, H., T.S. Hogue, L. Rademacher, and T. Meixner, 2009: Impact of Wildfire on Source Water Contributions in Devil Creek, CA: Evidence From End-member Mixing Analysis, Hydrologic Processes, 23(2), 183 – 200.
- Franz, K.J., T.S. Hogue, and S. Sorooshian, 2008b: Snow Model Verification Using Ensemble Streamflow Prediction and Operational Benchmarks, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9(6), 1402-1415.
- Barco, J., T.S. Hogue, V. Curto, and L. Rademacher, 2008: Linking Hydrology and Stream Geochemistry in Urban Fringe Watersheds, Journal of Hydrology, 360, 31-47.
- Franz, K.J., T.S. Hogue, and S. Sorooshian, 2008a: Operational Snow Modeling: Addressing the challenges of an energy balance model for National Weather Service forecasts, Journal of Hydrology, 360, 48-66.
- Kim, J. and T.S. Hogue, 2008: Evaluation of a MODIS-based Potential Evapotranspiration Product at the Point-scale, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9, 444-460.
- Bastidas, L. A., T. S. Hogue, S. Sorooshian, H. V. Gupta, and W. J. Shuttleworth, 2006: Parameter sensitivity analysis for different complexity land surface models using multicriteria methods, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D20101, DOI:10.1029/2005JD006377.
- Hogue, T. S., L. A. Bastidas, H. V. Gupta, and S. Sorooshian, 2006b: Evaluating model performance and parameter behavior for varying levels of land surface model complexity, Water Resources Research, 42, W08430, DOI:10.1029/2005WR004440.
- Hogue, T.S., H.V. Gupta, and S. Sorooshian, 2006a: A “User-Friendly” Approach to Parameter Estimation in Hydrologic Models, Journal of Hydrology, 320, 202–217.
- Duan Q., J. Schaake, V. Andreassian, S. Franks, H.V. Gupta, Y.M. Gusev, F. Habets, A. Hall, L. Hay, T.S. Hogue, M. Huang, G. Leavesley, X. Liang, O.N. Nasonova J. Noilhan, L. Oudin, S. Sorooshian, T. Wagener, E.F. Wood, 2006: Model Parameter Estimation Experiment (MOPEX): Overview and Summary of the Second and Third Workshop Results, Journal of Hydrology, 320, 3-17.
- Margulis, S.A, J. Kim, and T.S. Hogue, 2005: A Comparison of the Triangle Retrieval and Variational Data Assimilation Methods for Surface Turbulent Flux Estimation, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 6(6), 1063–1072.
- Yilmaz, K., T.S. Hogue, K. Hsu, S. Sorooshian, H.V. Gupta, and T. Wagener, 2005: Intercomparison of Rain Gauge, Radar and Satellite-based Precipitation Estimates with Emphasis on Hydrologic Forecasting, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 6 (4), 497–517.
- Hogue, T.S., L. A. Bastidas, H.V. Gupta, S. Sorooshian, K. Mitchell and W. Emmerich, 2005: Evaluation and Transferability of the Noah Land-surface Model in Semi-arid Environments, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 6(1), 68–84.
- Sorooshian, S., M.P.L. Whitaker, and T.S. Hogue, 2002: Regional and Global Hydrology and Water Resource Issues: The Role of International and National Programs, Special Issue on Vulnerability of Water Resources, Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 64, 317-327.
- Hogue, T.S., S. Sorooshian, H. Gupta, A. Holz, and D. Braatz, 2000: A Multi-step Automatic Calibration Scheme for River Forecasting Models, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 1, 524-542.
- Lesnefsky E.J., G.R Williams, J.R. Rubenstein, T.S. Hogue, L.D. Horwitz, and M.J. Reiter, 1991: Hydrogen Peroxide Decreases Effective Refractory Period in the Isolated Rabbit Heart, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 11(6), 529-535.