Tyrone Vincent
Department of Electrical Engineering
My teaching and research interests are broadly in the area of control systems, but I also teach other courses within the information systems sciences focus area.
- BS in Electrical Engineering, University of Arizona, 1992
- MS in Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1994
- PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1997
My research interests center around nonlinear estimation and system identification, with applications in several areas:
- Estimation, system identification and fault detection of nonlinear systems:
- Identification and estimation in large scale systems
- Structure and block-oriented system identification
- Applications of control to energy systems and materials processing:
- Control of fuel cell systems
- Monitoring and control of Li-ion battery systems
- Modeling of aggregations of distributed energy storage elements
Brown Building 327D
1500 Illinois St.
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, CO 80401
email: tvincent
domain: mines.edu