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“I just got back from Georgia—as in Tbilisi, Georgia—not the state of Georgia, the country of Georgia. I was there for a National Science Foundation (NSF) trip. We also went to Yerevan, Armenia, because NSF wants to strengthen relationships with both of those places.

But I came away from both of those places thinking, ‘Oh my gosh. We’re so fortunate to have what we have here.’ We walk around and we take it for granted… every day. And when you’re over there, you have people living in two former Soviet-occupied countries. They live in Soviet-era housing. And then these beautiful people come out with these beautiful ideas and try to make it go—like they’re trying to grow their countries. And we have that here. That’s what traveling is good for. It wakes you up to what you have in front of you, and that’s what I’m thankful for.”

John Spear
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado School of Mines: College of Engineering & Computational Sciences

[Photo: K. Morton]