Instructions for Ising 2D 400

Download or save the software by clicking here or on “Ising 2D 400” or the icon on the Ising front page.
Information about the model is here.

Enter a number or other identification into the text box labeled Run Number. This is useful when there are multiple runs. This ID, the date, and the time will appear on printouts of the main form and the Snapshots form.

Initial Temperatures
There are two starting temperatures: zero, characterized by all spins being either up or down; and infinity characterized by a random (50/50) distribution of spins. To choose an initial temperature select either T=Zero or T=Infinity by pressing the command buttons to the left of these captions which are located in the upper righthand area of the form.

Target Temperature
Select a target temperature, Final Temp, by entering that temperature into the text box to the right of the button and caption Go to T = . If no temperature is
entered, default T=.1 will be used. After the initial and target temperatures have been selected, press the button to the left of Go to T = to start running the program. The initial and target temperatures can be changed any time during a run. This stops the timers, but they can be restarted by pressing the button adjacent to Go to T = , or by selecting Continue from the bar menu at the top of the form.

Menu Features
Take a snapshot of the 20×20 grid anytime during a run by selecting Snapshot on the bar menu. This will temporarily stop the program’s timers and take you to the Snapshots form. To return to the main form choose Return on the Snapshots bar menu. Then choose Continue on the main form’s bar menu to resume the animation.

Up to 12 snapshots can be stored on the Snapshots form. If more snapshots are desired for a particular run, then the Snapshots form should be printed out before clearing it with the Snapshots form menu item
Clear Snapshots. Choose Print on the Snapshots form to print the Snapshots form, and Print on the main form to print it.
View snapshots anytime with View Snapshots on the main form’s bar menu. This does not stop the timers.

The Reset menu option resets everything for starting a new run. The Clear Chart menu option clears the two charts. This provides for a starting temperature other than zero or infinity. For instance, if the system has equilibrated at a temperature of 2, then, using Clear Chart and resetting the target temperature at 2.2, for instance, effectively starts the run at a temperature of 2.

The Temperature Factor option brings up the Design Temps form. It contains an array of text boxes which corresponds to the array of squares on the main form. By entering a number into a text box, for instance 10 or .1, the temperature for the run for the corresponding cell (square) is multiplied by that factor. Quit Design Temps on the Design Temps bar menu brings up the main form. Clear Text clears any text from the text boxes on the Design Temps form.

Exit the program at any time by selecting Exit from the menu on the main form.

Other Features
The Timer Interval horizontal scroll bar allows adjustment of the speed of the animation. Instantaneous Magnetization, Monte Carlo Steps, >Magnetization Sum, Average Magnetization, and Internal Energy, to the left of the grid on the main form, are continuously updated while the program is running. Magnetization and Avg Magnetization are graphically represented. For the scale Time (Monte Carlo steps per site), every 400th value is plotted on each chart, so there are 1600000 steps represented going from 0 to 4000. The animation stops automatically after multiples of 1599999 steps. It is useful to print a copy of the form at this point. Pressing the unlabeled button in the lower righthand corner of the form clears the charts and updates the scale to from 4000 to 8000, etc.


Instructions for Ising 2D 400

Download or save the software by clicking here or on “Ising 2D 400” or the icon on the Ising front page.
Information about the model is here.

Enter a number or other identification into the text box labeled Run Number. This is useful when there are multiple runs. This ID, the date, and the time will appear on printouts of the main form and the Snapshots form.

Initial Temperatures
There are two starting temperatures: zero, characterized by all spins being either up or down; and infinity characterized by a random (50/50) distribution of spins. To choose an initial temperature select either T=Zero or T=Infinity by pressing the command buttons to the left of these captions which are located in the upper righthand area of the form.

Target Temperature
Select a target temperature, Final Temp, by entering that temperature into the text box to the right of the button and caption Go to T = . If no temperature is
entered, default T=.1 will be used. After the initial and target temperatures have been selected, press the button to the left of Go to T = to start running the program. The initial and target temperatures can be changed any time during a run. This stops the timers, but they can be restarted by pressing the button adjacent to Go to T = , or by selecting Continue from the bar menu at the top of the form.

Menu Features
Take a snapshot of the 20×20 grid anytime during a run by selecting Snapshot on the bar menu. This will temporarily stop the program’s timers and take you to the Snapshots form. To return to the main form choose Return on the Snapshots bar menu. Then choose Continue on the main form’s bar menu to resume the animation.

Up to 12 snapshots can be stored on the Snapshots form. If more snapshots are desired for a particular run, then the Snapshots form should be printed out before clearing it with the Snapshots form menu item
Clear Snapshots. Choose Print on the Snapshots form to print the Snapshots form, and Print on the main form to print it.
View snapshots anytime with View Snapshots on the main form’s bar menu. This does not stop the timers.

The Reset menu option resets everything for starting a new run. The Clear Chart menu option clears the two charts. This provides for a starting temperature other than zero or infinity. For instance, if the system has equilibrated at a temperature of 2, then, using Clear Chart and resetting the target temperature at 2.2, for instance, effectively starts the run at a temperature of 2.

The Temperature Factor option brings up the Design Temps form. It contains an array of text boxes which corresponds to the array of squares on the main form. By entering a number into a text box, for instance 10 or .1, the temperature for the run for the corresponding cell (square) is multiplied by that factor. Quit Design Temps on the Design Temps bar menu brings up the main form. Clear Text clears any text from the text boxes on the Design Temps form.

Exit the program at any time by selecting Exit from the menu on the main form.

Other Features
The Timer Interval horizontal scroll bar allows adjustment of the speed of the animation. Instantaneous Magnetization, Monte Carlo Steps, >Magnetization Sum, Average Magnetization, and Internal Energy, to the left of the grid on the main form, are continuously updated while the program is running. Magnetization and Avg Magnetization are graphically represented. For the scale Time (Monte Carlo steps per site), every 400th value is plotted on each chart, so there are 1600000 steps represented going from 0 to 4000. The animation stops automatically after multiples of 1599999 steps. It is useful to print a copy of the form at this point. Pressing the unlabeled button in the lower righthand corner of the form clears the charts and updates the scale to from 4000 to 8000, etc.