Thomas Martin
Thomas Martin
Graduate Student
Adviser: Zane Jobe
Geology and Geological Engineering
Chevron Center of Research Excellence
- PhD in Geology, Colorado School of Mines, 2022 (in progress)
- MS in Earth Science, University of California, San Diego, 2015
- BS in Earth Science, University of California, San Diego, 2013
- Machine Learning & Geostatistics
- Deepwater depositional processes
- Stratigrapy
- Geoscience Education
Alvarez, P., Alvarez, A., MacGregor, L., Bolivar, F., Keirstead, R., & Martin, T. (2017). Reservoir properties prediction integrating controlled-source electromagnetic, prestack seismic, and welllog data using a rock-physics framework: Case study in the Hoop Area, Barents Sea, Norway. Interpretation, 5(2), SE43-SE60. Link
- Martin, Thomas Patrick. Mapping Porosity Structure Offshore Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve and Del Mar, California Using a Surface Towed EM System. Diss. UC San Diego, 2015. Link
Hibbs, A. D., T. R. Petrov, J. Pendleton, A. Agundes, S. Kouba, T. Hall, D. Boyle, T. Martin, C. Schenkel, and H. F. Morrison. “Advances in Electromagnetic Survey Instrumentation and the Use of a Cased Borehole for Imaging a Deep Formations.” In 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition-Workshops. 2014, WS9-C05 Link
Martin, T.P. and Schultz, A. Application of 2D Inversion to Magnetotelluric Data on the Newberry Caldera, Oregon, for Potential Geothermal Power. AGU Fall Meeting 2012, V13C-2855 Link

143A Berthoud Hall
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, CO 80401