Dejun (DJ) Yang
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
I am an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Colorado School of Mines. I direct the NEMOS (Networking and Mobile Sensing) Lab. Before joining Mines, I received my PhD in Computer Science at Arizona State University, under the supervision of Prof. Guoliang Xue.
Note: I am looking for self-motivated and hardworking students who are interested in tackling challenging resource allocation and security/privacy problems in networking, Internet of Things, blockchain, and mobile sensing, using algorithmic, optimization, game theoretic, and machine learning approaches. If you are interested in these areas and working with me at Mines, please send me an email with your CV, transcripts, publications if applicable, and everything that you think may increase your chances.
- PhD in Computer Science, Arizona State University
- BS in Computer Science, Peking University
Research interests
- [Dec 2024] I received the IEEE TNSE Excellent Editor Award 2024.
- [Sep 2024] I was invited to serve as a TPC member at ICDCS 2025.
- [Sep 2024] I received a grant from NSF NeTS on democratizing wireless access.
- [Aug 2024] One paper has been accepted by ICNP 2024.
- [July 2024] I received the 2024 ACM SACMAT Test of Time Award.
- [April 2024] I was invited to serve as a TPC member at INFOCOM 2025.
- [April 2024] I will serve as a co-chair of the Mobile and Wireless Networking (MWN) Symposium at ICNC 2025.
- [Feb 2024] I was selected to receive the Distinguished TPC Member of INFOCOM 2024.
- [Feb 2024] I was invited to serve as a TPC member at ICNP 2024.
CTLM 253
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, CO 80401