Collaborative Research: NeTS: Small: Last Mile as a Free Market: Democratizing Wireless Access with On-demand Decentralized Contracts
NSF 2414522 and 2414523, 10/01/2024-09/30/2027
Project description
Despite advances in wireless technologies like cellular and WiFi, issues such as spectrum scarcity and inefficiency persist, limiting connectivity for millions and hindering collaboration, especially in marginalized communities. This project, Opennect, aims to create a democratized wireless access ecosystem using open-source and decentralized technologies. It seeks to enhance spectrum efficiency, expand Internet availability, and improve reliability by promoting competition and collaboration among service providers. Key goals include fostering trust through transparent contracts, ensuring verifiable service and spectrum sharing, and encouraging diverse stakeholder participation. The project also aims to revolutionize wireless access for sectors like national security and smart communities, and support emerging fields such as autonomous agriculture and connected healthcare. Opennect emphasizes openness through publications, industry partnerships, and open-source developments. Additionally, it enriches curricula at Colorado School of Mines and NC State University, and promotes STEM diversity. The research includes advances such as decentralized contracts, verifiable data usage, and a sustainable market, evaluated through simulations and demonstrations on the NSF/PAWR-funded AERPAW testbed at NC State University. The project aims to advance democratized wireless access, enhance spectrum efficiency, and support diverse applications.