Papers, Chapters, and Books under Peer Review and in Press
Brandon Barton, Jacob Sagal, Sean Feeney, George Grattan, Pratik Patnaik, Vadim Oganesyan, Lincoln D Carr, and Eliot Kapit, “Iterative quantum optimization of spin glass problems with rapidly oscillating transverse fields,” Quantum Science and Technology, under review (2024) (preprint)
Logan E. Hillberry, Lorenzo Piroli, Eric Vernier, Nicole Yunger Halpern, Tomaž Prosen, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Integrability of Goldilocks quantum cellular automata,” Phys. Rev. Lett. under review (2024) (preprint)
Joshua M. Lewis and Lincoln D. Carr, “Exploring Multiscale Quantum Media: High-Precision Efficient Numerical Solution of the Fractional Schrödinger equation, Eigenfunctions with Physical Potentials, and Fractionally-Enhanced Quantum Tunneling,” J. Phys. A, under review (2024) (preprint)
Eliot Kapit, Brandon A. Barton, Sean Feeney, George Grattan, Gianni Mossi, Pratik Patnaik, Jacob C. Sagal, Lincoln D. Carr, and Vadim Oganesyan, “On the approximability of random-hypergraph MAX-3-XORSAT problems with quantum algorithms,” Quantum Science and Technology under review, (2023) (preprint)
George Grattan, Brandon A. Barton, Sean Feeney, Gianni Mossi, Pratik Patnaik, Jacob C. Sagal, Lincoln D. Carr, Vadim Oganesyan, and Eliot Kapit, “Exponential acceleration of macroscopic quantum tunneling in a Floquet Ising model,” Phys. Rev. Lett. under review (2023) (preprint)
Mark J. Ablowitz, Joel B. Been, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Fractional Integrable Dispersive Equations,” Chapter in Fractional Dispersive Models and Applications, Recent Developments and Future Perspectives, ed. by P. G. Kevrekidis, in press (2024)
Paul Alsing, Phil Battle, Joshua C. Bienfang, Tammie Borders, Tina Brower-Thomas, Lincoln Carr, Fred Chong, Siamak Dadras, Brian DeMarco, Ivan Deutsch, Eden Figueroa, Danna Freedman, Henry Everitt, Daniel Gauthier, Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin, Jungsang Kim, Mackillo Kira, Prem Kumar, Paul Kwiat, John Lekki, Anjul Loiacono, Marko Loncar, John R. Lowell, Mikhail Lukin, Celia Merzbacher, Aaron Miller, Christopher Monroe, Johannes Pollanen, David Pappas, Michael Raymer, Ronald Reano, Brandon Rodenburg, Martin Savage, Thomas Searles, and Jun Ye, “Accelerating Progress Towards Practical Quantum Advantage: The Quantum Technology Demonstration Roadmap,” Physical Review X: Quantum under review (preprint) (2023)
Diego A. Alcala, Marie A. McLain, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Quantum Phases Drive the Dynamics of Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling Escape in Quantum Simulators,” Quantum Science and Technology, under review (2022) (preprint)
Peer-Reviewed Published Papers in Professional Journals
Benjamin Krawciw, Lincoln D. Carr, and Cecilia Diniz Behn “The Small-World Effect for Interferometer Networks,” Journal of Physics: Complexity, Krawciw B, Carr LD, Behn CD. The small-world effect for interferometer networks. Journal of Physics: Complexity v. 5, p. 025016 (2024) (preprint) (published)
Mattia Walschaers, Nicholas Treps, Bhuvanesh Sundar, Lincoln D Carr, and Valentina Parigi, “Emergent complex quantum networks in continuous-variables non-Gaussian states,” Quantum Science and Technology, v. 8, p. 035009 (2023) (preprint) (published)
Nathan Crosette, Lincoln D. Carr, and Bethany R. Wilcox “Correlations between student connectivity and academic performance: a pandemic follow-up,” American Journal of Physics, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. v. 19, p. 010106 (2023) (preprint) (published)
Ginestra Bianconi,Alex Arenas,Jacob Biamonte, Lincoln D Carr, Byungnam Kahng, Janos Kertesz, Jürgen Kurths, Linyuan Lü, Cristina Masoller, Adilson E Motter, Matjaž Perc, Filippo Radicchi, Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, Francisco A Rodrigues, Marta Sales-Pardo, Maxi San Miguel, Stefan Thurner, and Taha Yasseri, “Complex systems in the spotlight: next steps after the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics,” Journal of Physics: Complexity, v. 4, p. 010201 (2023) (published)
Mark J. Ablowitz, Joel B. Been, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Integrable Discrete Equations and the Fractional Nonlinear Discrete Schroedinger Equation,” Physics Letters A, v. 452, p. 128459 (2022) (preprint) (published)
Mark J. Ablowitz, Joel B. Been, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Integrable Fractional Modified Korteweg-de Vries, Sine-Gordon, and sinh-Gordon Equations,” Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, v. 55, p. 384010 (2022) (preprint) (published version)
Eric B. Jones, Logan E. Hillberry, Matthew T. Jones, Mina Fasihi, Pedram Roushan, Zhang Jiang, Alan Ho, Charles Neill, Eric Ostby, Peter Graf, Eliot Kapit, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Small-world complex network generation on a digital quantum processor,” Nature Communications v. 13, p. 4483 (2022) (preprint) (published version)
Mark J. Ablowitz, Joel B. Been, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Fractional Integrable Nonlinear Soliton Equations,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 128, p.184101 (2022) (preprint) (published version)
Zachary C. Coleman and Lincoln D. Carr, “Exact Analytical Solution of the Driven Qutrit in an Open Quantum System: V and Lambda Configurations,” Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, v. 55, p. 065501 (2022) (preprint) (published version)
Arya Dhar, Daniel Jaschke, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Dynamics for the Haldane phase in the Bilinear-Biquadratic Model,” Phys. Rev. B, v. 105, p. 094309 (2022) (preprint) (published version)
Justin Q. Anderson, P. A. Praveen Janantha, Diego A. Alcala, Mingzhong Wu, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Physical realization of complex dynamical pattern formation in magnetic active feedback rings,” New J. Phys., v. 24, p. 033018 (2022) (preprint) (published version)
Abraham Asfaw, Alexandre Blais, Kenneth R. Brown, Jonathan Candelaria, Christopher Cantwell, Lincoln D. Carr, Joshua Combes, Dripto M. Debroy, John M. Donohue, Sophia E. Economou, Emily Edwards, Michael F. J. Fox, Steven M. Girvin, Alan Ho, Hilary M. Hurst, Zubin Jacob, Blake R. Johnson, Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin, Robert Joynt, Eliot Kapit, Judith Klein-Seetharaman, Martin Laforest, H. J. Lewandowski, Theresa W. Lynn, Corey Rae H. McRae, Celia Merzbacher, Spyridon Michalakis, Prineha Narang, William D. Oliver, Jens Palsberg, David P. Pappas, Michael G. Raymer, David J. Reilly, Mark Saffman, Thomas A. Searles, Jeffrey H. Shapiro, and Chandralekha Singh, “Building a Quantum Engineering Undergraduate Program,” IEEE Transactions on Education, v. 65, p. 220 (2022) (preprint) (published version)
Logan E. Hillberry, Matthew T. Jones, David L. Vargas, Patrick Rall, Nicole Yunger Halpern, Ning Bao, Simone Notarnicola, Simone Montangero, Lincoln D. Carr, “Entangled quantum cellular automata, physical complexity, and Goldilocks rules,” Quantum Science and Technology, v. 6, p. 045017 (2021) (preprint) (published version)
Bhuvanesh Sundar, Mattia Walschaers, Valentina Parigi, and Lincoln D Carr, “Response of quantum spin networks to attacks,” J. Phys. Complexity, v.2, p. 035008 (2021) (preprint) (published version)
David Awschalom, Karl K. Berggren, Hannes Bernien, Sunil Bhave, Lincoln D. Carr, Paul Davids, Sophia E. Economou, Dirk Englund, Andrei Faraon, Marty Fejer, Saikat Guha, Martin V. Gustafsson, Evelyn Hu, Liang Jiang, Jungsang Kim, Boris Korzh, Prem Kumar, Paul G. Kwiat, Marko Lončar, Mikhail D. Lukin, David A. B. Miller, Christopher Monroe, Sae Woo Nam, Prineha Narang, Jason S. Orcutt, Michael G. Raymer, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, Maria Spiropulu, Kartik Srinivasan, Shuo Sun, Jelena Vučković, Edo Waks, Ronald Walsworth, Andrew M. Weiner, and Zheshen Zhang, “Development of Quantum InterConnects (QuICs) for Next-Generation Information Technologies,” Physical Review X Quantum, v. 2, p. 017002 (2021) (preprint) (published version)
Yuri Alexeev, Dave Bacon, Kenneth R. Brown, Robert Calderbank, Lincoln D. Carr, Frederic T. Chong, Brian DeMarco, Dirk Englund, Edward Farhi, Bill Fefferman, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Andrew Houck, Jungsang Kim, Shelby Kimmel, Michael Lange, Seth Lloyd, Mikhail D. Lukin, Dmitri Maslov, Peter Maunz, Christopher Monroe, John Preskill, Martin Roetteler, Martin Savage, Jeff Thompson, Umesh Vazirani, “Quantum Computer Systems for Scientific Discovery,” Physical Review X Quantum, v. 2, p. 017001 (2021) (preprint) (published version)
Ehud Altman, Kenneth R. Brown, Giuseppe Carleo, Lincoln D. Carr, Eugene Demler, Cheng Chin, Brian DeMarco, Sophia E. Economou, Mark Eriksson, Kai-Mei C. Fu, Markus Greiner, Kaden R. A. Hazzard, Randall G. Hulet, Alicia J. Kollar, Benjamin L. Lev, Mikhail D. Lukin, Ruichao Ma, Xiao Mi, Shashank Misra, Christopher Monroe, Kater Murch, Zaira Nazario, Kang-Kuen Ni, Andrew C. Potter, Pedram Roushan, Mark Saffman, Monika Schleier-Smith, Irfan Siddiqi, Raymond Simmonds, Meenakshi Singh, I. B. Spielman, Kristan Temme, David S. Weiss, Jelena Vuckovic, Vladan Vuletic, Jun Ye, Martin Zwierlein, “Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities,” Physical Review X Quantum, v. 2, p. 017003 (2021) (preprint) (published version)
Majed O. D. Alotaibi and Lincoln D. Carr, “Scattering of a dark-bright soliton by an impurity,” Physical Review A, v. 52, p. 165301 (2019) (preprint) (published version)
Marc Andrew Valdez, Gavriil Shchedrin, Fernando Sols, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Layered Chaos in Mean-field and Quantum Many-body Dynamics,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 99, p. 063609 (2019) (preprint) (published version)
Daniel Jaschke, Lincoln D. Carr, and Ines de Vega, “Thermalization in the Quantum Ising Model — Approximations, Limits, and Beyond,” Quantum Science and Technology, v. 4, p. 034002 (2019) (preprint) (published version)
Xinxin Zhao, Marie A. McLain, J. Vijande, A. Ferrando, Lincoln D. Carr, and M. A. Garcia-March, “Nonequilibrium quantum dynamics of partial symmetry breaking for ultracold bosons in an optical lattice ring trap,” New J. Phys., v. 21, p. 043042 (2019) (preprint) (published version)
Daniel Jaschke, Simone Montangero, and Lincoln D. Carr, “One-dimensional many-body entangled open quantum systems with tensor network methods,” Quantum Science and Technology, v. 4, p. 013001 (2018) (preprint) (published version)
David L. Vargas, Ariel Bridgeman, David Schmidt, Patrick B. Kohl, Bethany R. Wilcox, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Correlation Between Student Collaboration Network Centrality and Academic Performance,” Physical Review Physics Education Research, v. 14, p. 020112 (2018) (preprint) (published version)
Daniel Jaschke and Lincoln D. Carr, “Open source Matrix Product States: Exact diagonalization and other entanglement-accurate methods revisited in quantum systems,” J. Phys. A, v. 51, p. 465302 (2018). (preprint) (published version)
Majed O. D. Alotaibi and Lincoln D. Carr, “Internal Oscillations of a Dark-Bright Soliton in a Harmonic Potential,” J. Phys. B, v. 51, p. 205004 (2018) (preprint) (published version)
Daniel Richardson, Boris A. Kalinikos, Lincoln D. Carr, and Mingzhong Wu, “Spontaneous exact spin-wave fractals in magnonic crystals,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 121, p. 107204 (2018) (preprint) (published version)
Marie A. McLain, Diego A. Alcala, and Lincoln D. Carr, “For high-precision bosonic Josephson junctions, many-body effects matter,” Quantum Science and Technology, v. 3, p. 044005 (2018) (preprint) (published version)
Diego A. Alcala, Gregor Urban, Matthias Weidemueller, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Macroscopic quantum escape of Bose-Einstein condensates: Analysis of experimentally realizable quasi-one-dimensional traps,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 98, p. 023619 (2018) (preprint) (published version)
Gavriil Shchedrin, Daniel Jaschke, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Absence of Landau damping in driven three-component Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices,” Scientific Reports, v. 8, p. 11523 (2018) (preprint) (published version)
Marie A. McLain and Lincoln D. Carr, “Quantum phase transition modulation in an atomtronic Mott switch,” Quantum Sci. Technol., v. 3, p. 035012 (2018) (preprint) (published version)
Gavriil Shchedrin, Nathanael C. Smith, Anastasia Gladkina, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Exact results for a fractional derivative of elementary functions,” SciPost, v. 4, p. 029 (2018) (preprint) (published online)
Marc Andrew Valdez, Gavriil Shchedrin, Martin Heimsoth, Charles E. Creffield, Fernando Sols, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Many-body Quantum Chaos and Entanglement in a Quantum Ratchet,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 120, p. 234101 (2018) (preprint) (published online)
Bhuvanesh Sundar, Marc Andrew Valdez, Lincoln D. Carr, and Kaden R. A. Hazzard, “A complex network description of thermal quantum states in the Ising spin chain,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 97, p. 052320 (2018) (preprint) (published online)
U. Al Khawaja, M. Al-Refai, Gavriil Shchedrin, and Lincoln D. Carr, “High-accuracy power series solutions with arbitrarily large radius of convergence for fractional nonlinear differential equations,” J. Phys. A, v. 51, p. 235201 (2018) (preprint) (published online)
Gavriil Shchedrin, Daniel Jaschke, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Damping-free collective oscillations of a driven two-component Bose gas in optical lattices,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 97, 043601 (2018) (preprint) (published online)
Daniel Jaschke, Michael L. Wall, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Open source Matrix Product States: Opening ways to simulate entangled many-body quantum systems in one dimension,” Computer Physics Communications, v. 225, p. 59 (2018). (preprint) (published online)
Xinxin Zhao, Diego A. Alcala, Marie A. McLain, Kenji Maeda, Shreyas Potnis, Ramon Ramos, Aephraim M. Steinberg, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling Escape of Bose-Einstein Condensates,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 96, p. 063601, Editor’s Suggestion (2017) (preprint) (published version)
Marc Andrew Valdez, Daniel Jaschke, David L. Vargas and Lincoln D. Carr, “Quantifying Complexity in Quantum Phase Transitions via Mutual Information Complex Networks,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 119, p. 225301 (2017) (preprint) (published version)
Majed O. D. Alotaibi and L. D. Carr, “Dynamics of Vector Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 96, p. 013601 (2017) (preprint) (published version)
Diego A. Alcala, Joseph A. Glick, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Entangled Dynamics in Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of Bose-Einstein Condensates,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 118, p. 210403 (2017) (preprint) (published version)
Xiaoning Zang, Simone Montangero, Lincoln D. Carr, and Mark T. Lusk, “Engineering and Manipulating Exciton Wave Packets,” Phys. Rev. B, v.95, p. 195423 (2017) (preprint) (published version)
Daniel Jaschke, Kenji Maeda, Joseph D. Whalen, Michael L. Wall, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Critical Phenomena and Kibble-Zurek Scaling in the Long-Range Quantum Ising Chain,” New Journal of Physics, v. 19, p. 033032 (2017) (preprint) (published version)
Shreyas Potnis, Ramon Ramos, Kenji Maeda, Lincoln D. Carr, and Aephraim M. Steinberg, “Interaction-assisted quantum tunneling of a Bose-Einstein condensate out of a single trapping well,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 118, p. 060402 (2017) (preprint) (published version)
Mark T. Lusk, Charles Stafford, Jeramy D. Zimmerman, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Control of Exciton Transport using Quantum Interference,” Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications, v. 92, p. 241112 (2015) (preprint) (published version)
L. H. Haddad and Lincoln D. Carr, “The nonlinear Dirac equation in Bose-Einstein condensates: Vortex solutions and spectra in a weak harmonic trap,” New J. Phys., v. 17, p. 113011 (2015) (preprint) (published version)
L. H. Haddad and Lincoln D. Carr, “The nonlinear Dirac equation in Bose-Einstein condensates: Superfluid fluctuations and emergent theories from relativistic linear stability equations,” New J. Phys., v. 17, p. 093037 (2015) (preprint) (published version)
L. H. Haddad and Lincoln D. Carr, “The nonlinear Dirac equation in Bose-Einstein condensates: II. Soliton Stability Analysis,” New J. Phys., v. 17, p. 063034 (2015) (preprint) (published version)
L. H. Haddad, C. M. Weaver, and Lincoln D. Carr, “The nonlinear Dirac equation in Bose-Einstein condensates: I. Relativistic solitons in armchair nanoribbon optical lattice geometries,” New J. Phys., v. 17, p. 063033 (2015). (preprint) (published version)
K. Maeda, M. L. Wall, and L. D. Carr, “Hyperfine structure of the hydroxyl free radical (OH) in electric and magnetic fields,” New J. Phys., v. 17, p. 045014 (2015) (preprint) (published version)
L. H. Haddad, K. M. O’Hara, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Nonlinear Dirac equation in Bose-Einstein condensates: Preparation and stability of relativistic vortices,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 91, p. 043609 (2015) (preprint) (published version)
M. A. Garcia-March and Lincoln D. Carr, “Vortex macroscopic superpositions in ultracold bosons in a double-well potential,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 91, p. 033626 (2015) (preprint) (published version)
M. L. Wall, K. Maeda, L. D. Carr, “Realizing unconventional magnetism with symmetric top molecules,” New J. Phys. v. 17, p. 025001 (2015) (preprint) (published version)
Zihui Wang, Mikhail Cherkasskii, Boris A. Kalinikos, Lincoln D. Carr, and Mingzhong Wu, “Formation of Bright Solitons from Wave Packets with Repulsive Nonlinearity,” New J. Phys. v. 16, 053408 (2014) (published version)
Justin Q. Anderson, Rachel A. Ryan, Mingzhong Wu, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Complex Solitary Wave Dynamics, Pattern Formation, and Chaos in the Gain-Loss Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation,” New J. Phys., v. 16, p. 023205 (2014) (preprint) (published version)
M. Heimsoth, D. Hochstuhl, C. E. Creffield, L. D. Carr, and F. Sols, “Effective Josephson dynamics in resonantly driven Bose-Einstein condensates,” New J. Phys., New J. Phys. v. 15, p. 103006 (2013) (preprint) (published version)
M. L. Wall and Lincoln D. Carr, “Dipole-dipole interactions in optical lattices do not follow an inverse cube power law,” New J. Phys. v. 15, p. 123005 (2013) (preprint) (published version)
M. L. Wall and Lincoln D. Carr, “Strongly interacting fermions in optical lattices,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 87, p. 033601 (2013) (preprint) (published version)
M. L. Wall, E. Bekaroglu and Lincoln D. Carr, “The Molecular Hubbard Hamiltonian: Field Regimes and Molecular Species,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 88, p. 023605 (2013) (preprint) (published version)
M. L. Wall and Lincoln D. Carr, “Out of equilibrium dynamics with Matrix Product States,” New J. Phys., v. 14, p. 125015 (2012) (preprint) (published version)
Allan Adams, Lincoln D. Carr, Thomas Schaefer, Peter Steinberg, and John E. Thomas, “Strongly Correlated Quantum Fluids: Ultracold Quantum Gases, Quantum Chromodynamic Plasmas, and Holographic Duality,” New J. Phys. v. 14, p. 115009 (2012) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr, R. R. Miller, D. R. Bolton, and Scott A. Strong “Nonlinear Scattering of a Bose-Einstein Condensate on a Rectangular Barrier,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 86, p. 023621 (2012) (preprint) (published version)
K. A. Commeford, M. A. Garcia-March, A. Ferrando, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Symmetry breaking and singularity structure in Bose-Einstein condensates,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 86, p. 023627 (2012) (preprint) (published version)
H. Vincent Kuo, Patrick B. Kohl, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Socratic Dialogs and Clicker use in an Upper-Division Mechanics Course,” AIP Conf. Proc., v. 1413, p. 235 (2012) (published version)
M. L. Wall and L. D. Carr, “Microscopic model for Feshbach interacting fermions in an optical lattice with arbitrary scattering length and resonance width,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 109, p. 055302 (2012) (preprint) (published version)
M. Heimsoth, C. E. Creffield, L. D. Carr, and F. Sols, “Orbital Josephson effect and interactions in driven atom condensates on a ring,” New J. Phys., v. 14, p. 075023 (2012) (preprint) (published version)
Scott A. Strong and Lincoln D. Carr, “Generalized Local Induction Equation, Elliptic Asymptotics, and Simulating Superfluid Turbulence,” J. Math. Phys., v. 53, p. 033102 (2012) (preprint) (published version)
V. D. Snyder, S. J. J. M. F. Kokkelmans, and L. D. Carr, “Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Model and Simulation of Attractive and Repulsive Bose-Einstein Condensates,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 85, p. 033616 (2012) (preprint) (published version)
M. A. Garcia-March, D. R. Dounas-Frazer, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Macroscopic superposition states of ultracold bosons in a double-well potential,” Front. Phys. v. 7, p. 131-145 (2012) (preprint) (published version)
Zihui Wang, Aaron Hagerstrom, Justin Q. Anderson, Wei Tong, Mingzhong Wu, Lincoln D. Carr, Richard Eykholt, and Boris A. Kalinikos, “Chaotic Spin-Wave Solitons in Magnetic Film Feedback Rings,” Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 107, p. 114102 (2011) (preprint) (published version)
B. Bauer, L. D. Carr, H. G. Evertz, A. Feiguin, J. Freire, S. Fuchs, L. Gamper, J. Gukelberger, E. Gull, S. Guertler, A. Hehn, R. Igarashi, S. V. Isakov, D. Koop, P. N. Ma, P. Mates, H. Matsuo1, O. Parcollet, G. Pawlowski, J. D. Picon, L. Pollet, E. Santos, V. W. Scarola, U. Schollwoeck, C. Silva, B. Surer, S. Todo, S. Trebst, M. Troyer, M. L. Wall, P. Werner and S. Wessel, “The ALPS project release 2.0: Open source software for strongly correlated systems,” J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp. P05001 (2011) (preprint) (published version)
L. H. Haddad and L. D. Carr, “Relativistic linear stability equations for the nonlinear Dirac equation in Bose-Einstein condensates,” Europhys. Lett. v. 94, p. 56002 (2011) (preprint) (published version)
M. A. Garcia-March, D. R. Dounas-Frazer, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Macroscopic Superposition of Ultracold Atoms with Orbital Degrees of Freedom,” Phys. Rev. A v. 83, p. 043612 (2011) (preprint) (published version)
Andrea Spuntarelli, Lincoln D. Carr, Pierbiagio Pieri, and Giancarlo C. Strinati, “Grey solitons in a strongly interacting superfluid Fermi Gas,” New J. Phys. v. 13, p. 135010 (2011) (preprint) (published version)
Mark T. Lusk, David J. Appelhans and Lincoln D. Carr, “Embedded Ribbons of Graphene Allotropes: An Extended Defect Perspective,” New J. Phys. v. 12, p. 125006 (2010) (preprint) (published version)
M. L. Wall and L. D. Carr, “The Hyperfine Molecular Hubbard Hamiltonian,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 82, p. 013611 (2010) (preprint) (published version)
R. V. Mishmash and L. D. Carr, “Reply to Comment on ‘Quantum Entangled Dark Solitons formed by Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices’,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 105, p. 018904 (2010) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr, D. R. Dounas-Frazer, and M.-A. Garcia-March, “Dynamical Realization of Macroscopic Superposition States of Cold Bosons in a Tilted Double Well,” Europhys. Lett., v. 90, p. 10005 (2010) (preprint) (published version)
Mark T. Lusk, David T. Wu and L. D. Carr, “Graphene Nanoengineering and the Inverse Stone-Thrower-Wales Defect,” Phys. Rev. B, v. 81, p. 155444 (2010) (preprint) (published version)
R. Kanamoto, L. D. Carr, and M. Ueda, “Metastable quantum phase transitions in a periodic one-dimensional Bose gas: II. Many-body theory,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 81, p. 023625 (2010) (preprint) (published version) (erratum)
Wei Tong, Mingzhong Wu, Lincoln D. Carr, and Boris A. Kalinikos, “Formation of Random Dark Envelope Solitons from Incoherent Waves,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 104, p. 037207 (2010) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr, M. L. Wall, D. E. Schirmer, R. C. Brown, J. E. Williams, and Charles W. Clark, “Mesoscopic Effects in Quantum Phases of Ultracold Quantum Gases in Optical Lattices,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 81, p. 013613 (2010) (preprint) (published version)
R. V. Mishmash, I. Danshita, Charles W. Clark, and L. D. Carr, “Quantum Many-Body Dynamics of Dark Solitons in Optical Lattices,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 80, p. 053612 (2009) (preprint) (published version)
R. V. Mishmash and L. D. Carr, “Quantum Entangled Dark Solitons formed by Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 103, p. 140403 (2009) (preprint) (published version)
R. V. Mishmash and L. D. Carr, “Ultracold Atoms in 1D Optical Lattices: Mean Field, Quantum Field, Computation, and Soliton Formation,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, v. 80, p. 732 (2009) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr, David DeMille, Roman V. Krems, and Jun Ye, “Cold and Ultracold Molecules: Science, Technology, and Applications,” New J. Phys. v. 11, p. 055049 (2009) (preprint) (published version)
R. Kanamoto, L. D. Carr, and M. Ueda, “Metastable Quantum Phase Transitions in a Periodic One-dimensional Bose Gas: Mean-Field and Bogoliubov Analyses,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 79, p. 063616 (2009) (preprint) (published version)
M. L. Wall and L. D. Carr, “Emergent Time Scales in Entangled Quantum Dynamics of Ultracold Molecules in Optical Lattices,” New J. Phys. v. 11, p. 055027 (2009) (preprint) (published version)
Mark T. Lusk and L. D. Carr, “Creation of Graphene Allotropes Using Patterned Defects,” Carbon, v. 47, p. 2226 (2009) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr and S. A. McKagan, “Graduate Quantum Mechanics Reform,” American Journal of Physics, v. 77, p. 308 (2009) (preprint) (published version)
M. A. Garcia-March, A. Ferrando, M. Zacares, J. Vijande, and L. D. Carr, “Angular Pseudomomentum Theory for the Generalized Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation in Discrete Rotational Symmetry Media,” Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, v. 238, p. 1432 (2009) (preprint) (published version)
L. H. Haddad and L. D. Carr, “The Nonlinear Dirac Equation in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Foundation and Symmetries,” Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, v. 238, p. 1413 (2009) (preprint) (published version)
Mark T. Lusk and L. D. Carr, “Nano-Engineering Defect Structures on Graphene,” Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 100, p. 175503 (2008) (preprint) (published version)
R. Kanamoto, L. D. Carr, and M. Ueda, “Topological Winding and Unwinding of a Bose-Einstein condensate,” Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 100, p. 060401 (2008) (preprint) (published version)
R. M. Bradley, J. E. Bernard, and L. D. Carr, “Exact Dynamics of Multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates in Optical Lattices,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 77, p. 033622 (2008) (preprint) (published version)
G. Herring, L. D. Carr, R. Carretero-Gonzalez, P. G. Kevrekidis, and D. J. Frantzeskakis, “Radially Symmetric Nonlinear States of Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 77, p. 023625 (2008) (preprint) (published version)
D. R. Dounas-Frazer, A. M. Hermundstad, and L. D. Carr, “Ultracold bosons in a tilted multilevel double-well potential,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 99 p. 200402 (2007) (preprint) (published version)
B. T. Seaman, L. D. Carr, and M. J. Holland, “Reply to “Comment on ‘Nonlinear band structure in Bose-Einstein condensates: Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a Kronig-Penney potential,'”” Phys. Rev. A v. 76, p. 017602 (2007) (published version)
John A. Scales, D. B. McIntosh, L. D. Carr, Valentin Freilikher, and Yu. P. Bliokh, “Millimeter Wave Localization: Slow Light and Enhanced Absorption,” Phys. Rev. B v. 76, p. 085118 (2007) (preprint) (published version)
R. Bhat, B. M. Peden, B. T. Seaman, M. Kramer, L. D. Carr, and M. J. Holland, “Quantized vortex states of strongly interacting bosons in a rotating optical lattice,” Phys. Rev. A v. 74, p. 063606 (2006) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr and C. W. Clark, “Vortices and Ring Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates,” Phys. Rev. A v. 74, p. 043613 (2006) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr and C. W. Clark, “Vortices in attractive Bose-Einstein condensates in two dimensions,” Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 97, p. 010403 (2006) (preprint) (published version) (erratum)
M. Wu, B. A. Kalinikos, L. D. Carr, and C. E. Patton, “Observation of Spin-Wave Soliton Fractals in Magnetic Film Active Feedback Rings,” Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 96, p. 187202 (2006) (preprint) (published version)
R. Bhat, M. J. Holland, and L. D. Carr, “Bose-Einstein condensates in rotating lattices,” Phys. Rev. Lett v. 96, p. 060405 (2006) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr, M. J. Holland, and B. A. Malomed, “Macroscopic quantum tunnelling of Bose-Einstein condensates in a potential well of finite depth,” J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., v. 38, p. 3217 (2005) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr and M. J. Holland, “Quantum phase transitions in the Fermi-Bose Hubbard model,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 72, p. 031604(R) (2005) (preprint) (published version)
B. T. Seaman, L. D. Carr, and M. J. Holland, “Period doubling, two-color lattices, and the growth of swallowtails in Bose-Einstein condensates” Phys. Rev. A, v. 72, p. 033602 (2005) (preprint) (published version)
B. T. Seaman, L. D. Carr, and M. J. Holland, “Nonlinear band structure in Bose-Einstein condensates: Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a Kronig-Penney potential,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 71, p. 033622 (2005) (preprint) (published version)
B. T. Seaman, L. D. Carr, and M. J. Holland, “Effect of a potential step or impurity on the Bose-Einstein condensate mean field,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 71, p. 033609 (2005) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr, R. Chiaramonte, and M. J. Holland, “Endpoint thermodynamics of an atomic Fermi gas subject to a Feshbach resonance,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 70, p. 043609 (2004) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr and J. Brand, “A pulsed atomic soliton laser,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 70, p. 033607 (2004) (preprint) (published version)
N. Moiseyev, L. D. Carr, B. A. Malomed, and Y. Band, “Transition from resonances to bound states in nonlinear systems: Application to Bose-Einstein condensates,” J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., v. 37, p. L193 (2004) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr and Y. Castin, “Limits of sympathetic cooling of fermions: The role of the heat capacity of the coolant,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 69, p. 043611 (2004) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr, G. V. Shlyapnikov, and Y. Castin, “Achieving a BCS transition in an atomic Fermi gas,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 92, p. 150404 (2004) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr and Y. Castin, “Limits of sympathetic cooling of fermions by zero-temperature bosons due to particle losses,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 69, p. 033603 (2004) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr and J. Brand, “Spontaneous soliton formation and modulational instability in Bose-Einstein condensates,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 92, p. 040401 (2004) (preprint) (published version)
STAR at RHIC Collaboration, “STAR detector overview,” Nucl. Instrum. A, v. 499, p. 624 (2003)
L. Khaykovich, F. Schreck, T. Bourdel, J. Cubizolles, G. Ferrari, L. D. Carr, Y. Castin, and C. Salomon, “Formation of a matter-wave bright soliton,” Science, v. 296, p. 1290 (2002) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr and Y. Castin, “Dynamics of a matter-wave bright soliton in an expulsive potential,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 66, p. 063602 (2002) (preprint) (published version)
S. Burger, L. D. Carr, P. Ohberg, A. Sanpera, and K. Sengstock, “Generation and interaction of solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 65, p. 043611 (2002) (preprint) (published version)
NA49 Collaboration, “New results from NA49,” Nuc. Phys. A, v. 698, p. 104C (2002)
L. D. Carr, K. W. Mahmud, and W. P. Reinhardt, “Tunable tunneling: An application of stationary states of Bose-Einstein condensates in traps of finite depth,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 64, p. 033603 (2001) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr, J. Brand, S. Burger, and A. Sanpera, “Dark soliton creation in Bose-Einstein condensates,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 63, p. 051601 (2001) (preprint) (published version)
J. C. Bronski, L. D. Carr, R. Carretero-Gonz\\\\’alez, B. Deconinck, J. N. Kutz, and K. Promislow, “Stability of attractive Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodic potential,” Phys. Rev. E, v. 64, p. 056615 (2001) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr, J. N. Kutz, and W. P. Reinhardt “Stability of stationary solutions in the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation: applications to the Bose-Einstein condensate,” Phys. Rev. E, v. 63, p. 066604 (2001) (preprint) (published version)
J. C. Bronski, L. D. Carr, B. Deconinck, J. N. Kutz, and K. Promislow, “Stability of repulsive Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodic potential,” Phys. Rev. E, v. 63, p. 036612 (2001) (preprint) (published version)
J. C. Bronski, L. D. Carr, B. Deconinck, and J. N. Kutz, “Bose-Einstein condensates in standing waves: the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a periodic potential,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 86, p. 1402 (2001) (preprint) (published version)
NA49 Collaboration, “Correlations and fluctuations in Pb plus Pb collisions,” Nucl. Phys. B — Proc. Sup. , v. 92, p. 7 (2001)
STAR at RHIC Collaboration, “Elliptic Flow in Au + Au Collision at sqrt(s[sub NN])=130 Gev,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 86, p. 402 (2001) (published version)
NA49 Collaboration, “Event-by-event fluctuations of the Kaon-to-Pion Ratio in central Pb + Pb at 158 GeV per Nucleon,” Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 86, p. 1965 (2001) (published version)
NA49 Collaboration, “Production of multi-strange hyperons and strange resonances in the NA49 experiment ,” J. Phys. G, v. 27, p. 367 (2001)
L. D. Carr, C. W. Clark, and W. P. Reinhardt, “Expected and unexpected solutions to the stationary one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation,” Int. J. of Mod. Phys. B, v. 15, p. 1663 (2001)
W. P. Reinhardt, M. A. Leung, and L. D. Carr, “Separability and stability of solutions of the 1-dimensional NLSE with respect to extension into 2 and 3 dimensions, and to initial perturbation by white noise,” Int. J. of Mod. Phys. B, v. 15, p. 1668 (2001)
NA49 Collaboration, “Results of NA49 on Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS,” Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on High Energy Physics, v. 1, p. 583 (2001)
L. D. Carr, C. W. Clark, and W. P. Reinhardt, “Stationary solutions of the one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation: I. Case of repulsive nonlinearity,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 62, p. 063610 (2000) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr, C. W. Clark, and W. P. Reinhardt, “Stationary solutions of the one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation: II. Case of attractive nonlinearity,” Phys. Rev. A, v. 62, p. 063611 (2000) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr, M. A. Leung, and W. P. Reinhardt, “Dynamics of the Bose-Einstein condensate: quasi-one-dimension and beyond,” J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., v. 33, p. 3983 (2000) (preprint) (published version)
NA49 Collaboration, “NA49 results on single particle and correlation measurements in central Pb+Pb collisions,” Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, pg. 68-79 (2000)
NA49 Collaboration, “Production of phi-mesons in p + p, p + Pb and central Pb + Pb collisions at E-beam=158 A GeV,” Phys. Lett. B, v. 491, p. 59 (2000)
NA49 Collaboration, “Deuteron production in central Pb plus Pb collisions at 158A GeV,” Phys. Lett. B, v. 486, p. 22 (2000)
NA49 Collaboration, “Centrality dependence of directed and elliptic flow at the SPS,” Nucl. Phys. A, v. A661, p. 341c (1999)
NA49 Collaboration, “Hadron production in nuclear collisions at from the NA49 experiment at 158 GeV/c$\\\\cdot$A,” Nucl. Phys. A, v. A661, p. 45c (1999)
NA49 Collaboration, “Strangeness measurements in NA49 experiment with Pb projectiles,” J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys., v. 25, p. 189 (1999)
NA49 Collaboration, “Reconstruction over a large rapidity interval of lambda, anti-lambda, and k-short in the NA49 experiment” J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys., v. 25, p. 469 (1999)
NA49 Collaboration, “Event-by-event fluctuations of average transverse momentum in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV/nucleon,” Phys. Lett. B, v. 459, p. 679 (1999)
NA49 Collaboration, “Two-proton correlations from 158 A GeV Pb+Pb central collisions,” Phys. Lett. B, v. 467, p. 21 (1999)
NA49 Collaboration, “Xi and anti-Xi production in 158 GeV/nucleon Pb+Pb collisions,” Phys. Lett. B, v. 444, p. 523 (1998)
Books and Chapters in Books
Annual Review of Cold Atoms and Molecules, Volume III, ed. Kirk Madison, Kai Bongs, Lincoln D. Carr, Hui Zhai, and Ana Maria Rey (World Scientific, 2015) (published version)
Annual Review of Cold Atoms and Molecules, Volume II, ed. Kirk Madison, Kai Bongs, Lincoln D. Carr, Hui Zhai, and Ana Maria Rey (World Scientific, 2014) (published version)
M. L. Wall and L. D. Carr, “Matrix Product State Algorithms and Applications,” in Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-equilibrium Dynamics (Cold Atoms), ed. Nick Proukakis, Simon Gardiner, Matthew Davis and Marzena Szymanska (Imperial College Press, London, 2013) (preprint) (published version)
Understanding Quantum Phase Transitions, ed. L. D. Carr (Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, Fl, 2010) (published version)
L. D. Carr, R. Kanamoto, and M. Ueda, “Metastable Quantum Phase Transitions in a One-Dimensional Bose Gas,” in Understanding Quantum Phase Transitions, ed. L. D. Carr (Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, Fl, 2010) (preprint) (published version)
L. D. Carr and J. B Brand, “Theory of Multidimensional Solitons,” in Emergent Nonlinear Phenomena in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Theory and Experiment, ed. P. G. Kevrekidis, D. J. Frantzeskakis, and R. Carretero-Gonzalez (Springer, 2007) (preprint) (published version on Amazon)
J. Brand, L. D. Carr, and B. P. Anderson, “Experiments on Multidimensional solitons,” in Emergent Nonlinear Phenomena in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Theory and Experiment, ed. P. G. Kevrekidis, D. J. Frantzeskakis, and R. Carretero-Gonzalez (Springer, 2007) (preprint) (published version on Amazon)
Editorials and Invited Articles
Lincoln D. Carr and Valentina Parigi, “Thermal Exploration in Engine Design,” Science v. 379, p. 984 (2023) (published version)
Lincoln D. Carr and Simon L. Cornish, “Viewpoint: A New Spin on Ultracold Molecules” Physics v. 10, p. 107 (2017) (published version)
Lincoln D. Carr and Benjamin L. Lev, “Viewpoint: An Arrested Implosion” Physics v. 9, p. 55 (2016) (published version)
Lincoln D. Carr, Foreword in Quantum Many-Body Physics of Ultracold Molecules in Optical Lattices: Models and Simulation Methods, Michael L. Wall (Springer, 2015) (published version)
Lincoln D. Carr, “Atomic and Molecular Physics,” editorial in “Highlights: A showcase of cutting-edge research from 2012” New J. Phys. (2013) (published version)
Lincoln D. Carr, “Negative Temperatures?” Science, v. 339, p. 6115 (2013) (published version)
Lincoln D. Carr and Mark T. Lusk, “Quantum Physics: Strongly correlated transport,” Nature, v. 491, p. 681 (2012) (published version)
Allan Adams, Lincoln D. Carr, Thomas Schaefer, Peter Steinberg, and John E. Thomas, “Editorial: Focus on strongly correlated quantum fluids: From ultracold quantum gases to QCD plasmas,” New J. Phys. v. 15, p. 045022 (2013) (published version)
Lincoln D. Carr and Mark T. Lusk, “Defect engineering: Graphene gets designer defects,” Nature Nanotechnology 5, 316 (2010) (preprint) (published version)
Lincoln D. Carr, “Advice on Writing the Educational Component of an NSF Grant Proposal,” Summer 2009 Newsletter of the American Physical Society Forum on Education, (2009) (published version)
Lincoln D. Carr and Jun Ye, “Editorial: Focus on Cold and Ultracold Molecules,” New J. Phys. v. 11, p. 055009 (2009) (published version)
Technical Reports
L. D. Carr, D. J. Prindle, J. G. Reid, T. A. Trainor, and D. D. Weerasundara, “STAR mock-data challenge: general DST design and EbyE analysis chain,” University of Washington Nuclear Physics Laboratory Annual Report (1999)
L. D. Carr, D. J. Prindle, J. C. Prosser, J. G. Reid, T. A. Trainor and the NA49 Collaboration, “NA49 SCA event-by-event analysis status,” University of Washington Nuclear Physics Laboratory Annual Report (1999)
L. D. Carr, D. J. Prindle, J. C. Prosser, J. G. Reid, T. A. Trainor, D. D. Weerasundara, and the STAR Collaboration, “Event-by-event analysis overview,” University of Washington Nuclear Physics Laboratory Annual Report (1999)
L. D. Carr, I. Sakrejda, and T. A. Trainor, “Will cluster morphology measures work at STAR?” Starnote 0357, Brookhaven National Laboratory (1998)
L. D. Carr and T. A. Trainor, “A scale-local approach to percolation theory,” University of Washington Nuclear Physics Laboratory Annual Report (1998)
L. D. Carr, D. J. Prindle, and T. A. Trainor, “Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collision simulators: visualization and analysis,” University of Washington Nuclear Physics Laboratory Annual Report (1998)
L. D. Carr, D. J. Prindle, J. C. Prosser, J. G. Reid, T. A. Trainor and the NA49 Collaboration, “NA49 event-by-event physics program,” University of Washington Nuclear Physics Laboratory Annual Report (1998)
L. D. Carr, D. J. Prindle, J. C. Prosser, J. G. Reid, T. A. Trainor, and D. D. Weerasundara, “Star event-by-event physics,” University of Washington Nuclear Physics Laboratory Annual Report (1998)
E. G. Adelberger, L. D. Carr, J.-M. Casandjian, H. E. Swanson, and K. B. Swartz, “Beta delayed alpha spectrum from 8Li and 8B decays and the neutrino spectrum in 8B decay,” University of Washington Nuclear Physics Laboratory Annual Report (1997)
M. Beck, L. D. Carr, H. Lawler, D. W. Storm, and J. P. S. van Schagen, “Progress in the mass-8 beta decay experiment,” University of Washington Nuclear Physics Laboratory Annual Report (1997)
Unpublished preprints
Gavriil Shchedrin, Nathanael C. Smith, Anastasia Gladkina, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Fractional derivative of composite functions: exact results and physical applications,” (2018) (preprint)
Anastasia Gladkina, Gavriil Shchedrin, Usama Al Khawaja, and Lincoln D. Carr, “Expansion of fractional derivatives in terms of an integer derivative series: physical and numerical applications,” (2018) (preprint)
Scott A. Strong and Lincoln D. Carr, “Non-Hamiltonian Kelvin wave generation on vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates,” (2018) (preprint)
Scott A. Strong and Lincoln D. Carr, “Non-Hamiltonian Dynamics of Quantized Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates,” (2017) (preprint)
Christoph Weiss and Lincoln D. Carr, “Higher-order quantum bright solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates show truly quantum emergent behavior,” (2016) (preprint)
J. T. Stevanak, David M. Larue, Lincoln D. Carr, “Distinguishing Fact from Fiction: Pattern Recognition in Texts Using Complex Networks” (2010) (preprint)
Lincoln D. Carr, Markus K. Oberthaler, “Spatial Dependence of Entropy in Trapped Ultracold Bose Gases,” (2009) (preprint)